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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. note to self....don't feed Bw3's, or salted vinegar fries to chick who might be feeling frisky.
  2. Fuck that corner. I felt the ride south was more difficult than the ride back north on 536.
  3. So was there silence when you dropped her off at her car? Did you go 80% and she come the otther 20%? These would be need to knows if there is another possible date in order. Maybe she will feel bad, and up the anty next time?!?!?
  4. Yeah take her on another date. She sounds like a keeper.
  5. I wasn't quite sure where to post this, so if it's in the wrong place feel free to move it. Beware of speeding, and running redlights through Heath. A coworker of mine received a ticket in the mail for speeding on July 4th. So he called, and it was explained to him that it was a cival suit, and that no points would be added to his license. Cost for all tickets is $100.00. So if you sped for a while you can have multiple viloations. One women wracked up $800.00 in fines in two days. Revenue source perhaps??? http://www.newarkadvocate.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090728/NEWS01/907280309 Also if you received a ticket mailed out before July 1st, you do not have to pay it. As the ordinance didn't go into affect until that date.
  6. Cdubyah


    thats fucking awesome!
  7. http://www.cars.gov/ Has to be equal to or under 18 MPG. Has to be no older than 1984. Here is a list of the vehicles that qulify. http://www.edmunds.com/cash-for-clunkers/eligible-vehicles.html#f Can't buy a base vehicle for over $45,000. Has to be an 08, 09, or 10 model. The better gas mileage the new ride gets, the more you get back for your clunker. You're not going to get $4,500 everytime, that's just the max. There are also certain cars that you can't buy. I just can't find the list.
  8. Ice cream and pancakes bitches. I tried for hookers and blow, but it didn't go over well. This is the best I can do.
  9. Today, I had my first date with this guy I really like, who came to pick me up. Once I got into his car, my uncle comes out of the house and yells "Remember, pregnant girls aren't allowed to drink." FML Today, while walking through the park, a little boy came running up to me and hit me in the nuts with a stick. I fell on the ground and looked up just in time to see his mom giving him the thumbs up with a smile on her face. FML Today my boss sent out an email with the subject line - Urgent. He accidently left the body of the email blank. I replied to all staff "You're firing blanks Peter". I later heard that his wife once got drunk and told everyone that they couldn't have kids because he has a low sperm count. FML Today, I returned from a month-long stay in a psych ward for severe depression and suicide attempts. The first words my friends say to me when I call them and let them know I'm out? "Does this mean you're not gonna be so emo? 'cause that was really fucking annoying." FML Today, I went on a date with a girl. She drove while texting someone then stopped at a house and told me to wait in the car. She left her phone so I looked at the last text and it says "I'm here for the quicky". Our "date" was a decoy to throw her mom off so she could have sex with another guy. FML
  10. only a 100 mile ride. Can't take too long.
  11. Thank god they don't make them like that anymore.
  12. what they ghey? They must steer with their feet.
  13. It's not bad enough to bring food into the act no no. Mj takes it a step further, by being able to eat during the act.
  14. Nice pics everyone. Looks like you guys took over Hahns Valero. Adam you should have taken them to Throttles, and Bottles. LMAO!!!
  15. Alright....giggity giggity!
  16. eh, just boil it in some hot water.
  17. There are? Blasphemy!
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