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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. might have to take a look at this...
  2. Happy Birthday old man river! Don't break a hip!
  3. RIP Tim. Enjoy the never ending winding road above. Thoughts go to his family
  4. Who wants an ice cream cone?
  5. sure, just nothing to add to the conversation
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pnjtxfIJDE
  7. SR 79 is pretty clean. Rode through there yesterday. For all the folks coming from Columbus. There is one long right hander that has a patch of gravel in the beginning and end of the turn. Couple of coons and hogs in the road as well. SR 541 is all good to Coshocton.
  8. Not a report, but along the same lines... http://awkwardfamilypetphotos.com/2010/06/19/head-of-the-family/
  9. Roads looked pretty clean last night except for the Horse shit on 93, and 83. Didn't see a whole lot of gravel.
  10. Cdubyah

    Harley Rant

    I think it's more of the rider than the bike itself. Ass clowns are everywhere...
  11. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=60844
  12. closed for repost Here is the original http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=60743
  13. depends on the weather this week. If it rains all week it will probably still be there.
  14. I would lead the parachute group if I wasn't gonna be in Columbus for the weekend. Have fun, be safe. Watch out for high water on SR 60, if you are planning on riding through there.
  15. Happy birthday fella! Hope it wasn't to wet for ya!
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