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Everything posted by Cdubyah

  1. Advanced Task Killer free, pretty easy to use. Don't seem to have a problem with the battery unless I'm running pandora. You also might want to look for Brightness Toggle Widget.
  2. Happy birthday buddy! May the PBR flow like a river for you on this day.
  3. Found a good one today. Delete Old Messages. It's preventative maintenance for text messaging
  4. Damnit must you ruin my fun? Saturday just doesn't have the right tone to it.
  5. I have cake, I'm gonna eat it too, then I'm going to poo
  6. SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!!! Watch truckzilla, devour a Cadillac, only on... SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY!!!!
  7. Hooray!! Who picked up the cake?
  8. Cdubyah

    Need opinions

    Thanks Ben I could just use the girlfriends....hrrrmmmm
  9. Cdubyah

    Need opinions

    I've been looking for a new job in Columbus for some time now, but haven't had any luck. I currently have a job, that I really dislike, so I'm not in the unemployment boat. However, there is no room for advancement, and I pretty much work by myself. Plus the pay is pretty shitty. I'm not attached to it at all. Some of the positions are hiring are for local applicants only. So that raises the question, do I move to Columbus, take another crappy job? Or do I continue my search here? As of May 23, I will have 5 years in as a public employee. Should I keep looking for a public job? Or move to the private sector? There are pros and cons to both, I know. Just looking for some opinions, Thanks.
  10. Any interest in having an OR night? Been talking this over with the owner and the DJ. Could possibly get some dinner and drink specials. Maybe some other goodies if we get enough folk. http://www.depotpub.com/ The Depot has a bike night on Sundays throughout the summer. Starts the weekend of Memorial day. This is pretty much open to anyone. They have a patio, with a DJ on Sunday's. It's a little small, and parking can be a bitch sometimes, but the food is pretty tasty. They have an on site smoker for the BBQ. Is there any interest in having an OR night? There are some pretty fun roads round that area too, just in case you wanted to ride before, or after.
  11. You could send Iron Pony a PM and ask, just in case they don't see it here. They are a site sponsor.
  12. Cdubyah

    1909 Colt 45

    Ross is now relationship guy in several different threads.
  13. Local unemployment is pretty bad around here. This was a factory oriented town, so you have a bunch of older folks with nothing but a High school diploma, and a couple of manufacturing certs under their belts. Not a whole lot of places round here to use that kind of stuff anymore. A lot of the folks that have come through my office, are going back to some sort of school. Lots of truck drivers, and nursing students. Or are trying like hell to get another manufacturing job in the surrounding area. The kicker to this is that most manufacturing jobs, require an online application or resume. Most of these 40+ somethings, have no idea how to type, surf the web, or upload a resume. So they require additional training. There are the occasional few, that just come in and mope around, wanting us to find a job for them. They take very little interest on the subject. It's quite frustrating working with them. So in conclusion, I don't see this as a problem for most people, however, like everything else, there is always a select group that ruin it or give it a bad name. Are all of these people lazy slobs? Absolutely not. Are all of these folks motivated to get back to work? Absolutely not. Everyone's case is different. Don't judge until you've walked a mile in their shoes.
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