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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. As far as legally binding IDK but I used to drive for a large sanitation co and we were told we were not permitted to wave traffic around us because if we did and there was an accident the company was liable I don't know how true that is in Ohio it could be it's true in another state and just corporate policy. They said the only people legally permitted to direct traffic were police, fire/rescue and road construction crews
  2. I had a Z1R helmet a few years ago it was horrible loud, ventilation was horrible and going do freeway my head was constantly bounced around. I bought a scorpion exo 400 to replace it and it was way better I could feel the air flowing through the top vents and no more of my head bouncing around, no fogging, but the shield didn't seal tight and would let water in if it rained I thought the helmet was great I still have it. I then bought a shark s900 and quickly realized the scorpion was very heavy. The shark doesn't fog, flows a ton more air, is quieter than the scorpion, and the shield seals tight.
  3. How many people are running around with dash cams in their cars besides you and cops?
  4. What would be nice is if they had safety rating system like cars do.
  5. Yes all the helmets pass the same tests but some barely pass while others far exceed the test standards
  6. And if you were wearing a shoei you'd probably remember all of it.... not all helmets are created equal
  7. Check the plug? Dirty fuel filter or water in fuel?
  8. Have you checked the torque on steering stem ? They have been known to be loose
  9. It'd be easier to add insurance give them the title and pay it off quick
  10. I know when I took my course they told us if we lost the card we were SOL
  11. Lesson #1 never use bike as collateral
  12. If it was a vehicle loan it would be either he puts full coverage on it or they will add their insurance on it and his payment will increase but not sure how that would work for collateral but if he doesn't follow their rules that may be grounds for them to put loan in default.
  13. conn-e-rot


    Shipping is only $19 for 1000 rnds of bulk and you guys are too far away to make it worth while for me to get in on group order.
  14. They should also have reviews of the shoei helmets on there
  15. here is a star review http://stores.sportbiketrackgear.com/Detail.bok?no=7302
  16. I've heard good things about the new Bell Stars I want to try one on and see how it feels compared to rf1100 all the bell's I've tried before never felt right but I like the new transition shield bell has
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