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Everything posted by conn-e-rot

  1. No personal experience with them but I have seen a lot of good reviews on them.
  2. So is anyone from up north heading down?
  3. I wasn't able to make it.
  4. Come on now everyone knows Honey badger don't give a shit
  5. hell I did 350 on my go-kart with a briggs & sratton 8hp bitches
  6. Yeah I have a buddy that is dumb like that he passed a PA state cop sitting at ice cream stand at about 140 the cop lit him up so he stopped right away. The cop tells him he never even heard him coming so he didn't get radar and that he stopped to quick for him to clock him so the cop asked him how fast he was going he says 85 he was in a 55mph zone. For his dumbass answer he got a $443 ticket.
  7. He should have stood up and flapped his wings
  8. http://cleveland.craigslist.org/tag/2988432011.html http://cleveland.craigslist.org/spo/2992384419.html and there are a ton more in cleveland area on CL
  9. I'll be down but I might be in cage I messed my ankle up not sure yet if I wanna brave riding down
  10. Welcome Thanks for your service
  11. I checked with my buddy the one he has is a 9 footer
  12. My buddy has a table for sale I'll get details later today
  13. I think I would've been kicking the shit out the side of her car
  14. I didn't read the entire thread but he may have taken the weapon because you notified in a state that does not require notification so he may not be used to having people notify.
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