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Everything posted by swingset

  1. I think it might just have proved the opposite - that the truth is often so preposterous, especially where our government is concerned, that no wild claim is beyond the possibility of being true. Nothing surprises me any more, especially with the lunatics running the show.
  2. That happens to me pretty much weekly, my commute is at night and through deer country. I've hit 7 so far, all by car thank god no bike yet.
  3. As long as you're happy, I'm happy. The wheels are mega ghetto, tho. Just so you know. Unless Mexican Pimp was your target...which is perfectly fine if you are aiming in that direction.
  4. Hosting a big shoot/party. Blow stuff up, eat some pig, drink some beer around the campfire....I can't ride all the time.
  5. Now that Pike's Peak is mostly paved, this bike bearing its name makes more sense. Wicked bike tho.
  6. Nothing new about this scam, been around as long as Craigslist has. Con men always play to your sympathy.
  7. Most video editing software can 180 the footage easy enough, you'll likely be editing it anyway.
  8. I should offer to let some people store bikes at my place...I can pick locks.
  9. You can figure it out really easy if you call up Google Maps and put the route side by side as you scroll through it.
  10. Let this be a lesson to all posters, you can avoid threads like this with three simple words.... "Pics to follow"
  11. Like I said, I'm happy to be wrong. Sorry, I didn't recognize your moniker you've obviously not been around the board much. My skepticism isn't negativity, it's learned behavior from hearing stories like this on forum after forum that ended up being bullshit. I'm glad you're ok.
  12. Relatively new guy, low post count = check. Story about event that's not impossible, but incredible = check. Zero photos from an event that any sane, rational person would be documenting 100 ways to Sunday = check. 4 pages of replies and not a peep from OP = check. No reason to doubt the OP, don't know him, but my experience on the interwebs tells me stories like these that make everyone's BS meter peg usually do not bear out to be true. I'll be happy to be wrong, but instincts usually work pretty good.
  13. By bear you mean a husky gay guy with a lot of facial hair, right? Cause that I believe.
  14. The WR is a wide-ratio offroad bike. The CRFR is a close-ratio motorcross bike. Very different animals, engine wise...the WR450 has a 5-valve motor that's very rugged, but still a race-bred engine. The CRF450R would detonate quick if you ran it on the road at high revs for long periods, and it would be wrung the fuck out at highway speeds...weak ass valves on the CRF motors, IMHO. The CRFX is more similar to the WR450F, btw. The Husky 610/630 is a better street bike in every way, but for pure SM action either the WR or CRF would probably kill it in acceleration. All depends on your wants, I guess. The offroad bikes have small tanks, small oil resevoirs, they're brutal to do much highway on, and yes they'll demand a lot more work than a 610 would more than likely.
  15. I've got a set of old knobs for the TTR, and a big box of sheet metal screws....can't wait.
  16. I'll bet you ruin Christmas for your family by being there.
  17. So then Vermont must be demonstratively less safe and more crime-filled than Ohio, as they have zero restrictions or permit-based roadblocks in order to carry. Is this the case? If it's not, are you willing to use that open mind of yours to admit you might be wrong or emotionally invested in a viewpoint that reality conflicts with?
  18. Couldn't disagree more. Sure, some stuff is crap, but an awful lot of their stuff is great bang for the buck especially if you don't make your living with it. I just got done bleeding the brakes on my bikes with a $19 HF bleeder that works fucking fantastic. Had it for 5 years, works every time. I measured the rotors with a digital caliper that's as accurate as my Starrett from work, cost $9. I torqued the axle bolts with a $14.99 3/8 clicker, that's been checked twice with weights and is very accurate. Their "pro" line of hand held power tools is good stuff too, we use them at work for disposable stuff but honestly they're damned nice for the $$, and their warranty is no joke....they'll swap it no questions asked. Maybe I'm just lucky.
  19. It should be. They're not human. They buy their milk in bags. BAGS I TELL YOU.
  20. I've got the Procircuit T4 on my TTR, sounds good but isn't obnoxious at all. Good pipe for the $$.
  21. Hey Brian! Won't know until the week of, but I'm still planning on it.
  22. I had a re-tread let loose off of a semi up in front of me a ways, and it sailed in the air and landed on the bed of a truck right beside me. Just judging from the sound it made hitting, which I heard above the wind noise and earbuds playing music in my ears, I'd wager it would have killed me. I never ride behind or along side a big truck, if I'm there, it's for a short time.
  23. There's never a time living in Licking Co. where the deer aren't bad. If they keep you off the bike, better just sell it. I'm always on the lookout, and don't relish the idea of popping one, but rural Ohio is deer country there's no getting around that. Hell, I just saw someone hit a deer at Leonard and 670 the other day.
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