Not wear I live! Very rare to see much more than a helmet. Even if it is just strapped to the back of the bike. Yesterday I saw some guy with a ICON jacket, gloves, helmet strapped up under the seat, shorts and tennis shoes. I really don't care and never say anything to anyone but thought to myself if that's not just a fashion statement I don't know what is. Do what you all want! If you go down I will stop whether you have gear on or not and lend a hand. I choose to go ATGATT and get shit for it all the time. "Aren't you hot?", "Do you really need all that stuff on?" It has been getting annoying lately but whatever I would rather sweat than bleed. So I will continue to get geared up whether it's 30 or 100. If I am just shooting up to store or something it's helmet, jacket, gloves, boots and jeans. If it's out for a ride it's riding pants and everything else I mentioned.