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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. That's pretty good, some great lines (R. Kelly). I've spent the last 30 minutes or so watching some of their other videos and I like it.
  2. This should be interesting... National Rifle Association of America is made up of four million moms and dads, sons and daughters – and we were shocked, saddened and heartbroken by the news of the horrific and senseless murders in Newtown. Out of respect for the families, and as a matter of common decency, we have given time for mourning, prayer and a full investigation of the facts before commenting. The NRA is prepared to offer meaningful contributions to help make sure this never happens again. The NRA is planning to hold a major news conference in the Washington, DC area on Friday, December 21.
  3. You spend some time digging to revive this thread. So how is it at the end of the internet?
  4. Call Dale or Todd at Delta Epsilon. I believe I saw one in the case when I picked up my AR last Thursday.
  5. Bring on the snow! The more the better!
  6. Exactly. Any major conflict had arms being supplied from outside resource(s). Not to mention the arms and supplies that would come out of bases and depots when a percentage of soldiers would refuse to fire on their friends, neighbors and family.
  7. I'm pretty sure that wouldn't work either. You can bomb a city to rubble. At some point you have to send in ground troops to clean-up. Urban warfare is ugly in small 3rd world countries let along a major urban center such as New York, L.A., Chicago, etc. , etc. , etc.
  8. Magz, usually I let you troll away. In this case I cannot. Do some research on the Russians and Afghanistan, the Colombian's and their battle with FARC, the British and the IRA, the Russians and Chechens, the US and Afghanistan. etc., etc., etc. All are large countries who are/were fighting smaller, lesser armed groups. All have spent billions to succeed and all have failed. You can have the biggest, smartest weapons in the world at your disposal but the battle will be long, painful and bloody when you fight against a group of people fighting for their homes, families and their country.
  9. This should be the focus of the media. If he did indeed try to buy a gun earlier in the week and was denied, the system worked. She is the one that failed.
  10. This would have given me a big chub. The F4 is and will always be at the top of my list.
  11. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=20a_1355531018&p=1
  12. 20 children, 6 adults confirmed dead. Rest in Peace
  13. Initial reports say the dead shooter was 24y/o, wearing a Kevlar vest and had 4 weapons.
  14. Thanks. 1400 rounds and counting along with 11 PMags.
  15. Freshly delivered from PSA to our friends at Delta Epsilon and now home. Merry Christmas to me.
  16. Anyone done a skydive with them? They have a tandemjump on sale and the wife has wanted to do this for a few years.
  17. Thanks. Just what I need, another winter project.
  18. It's time to pull your blinders off. First off soldiers have tortured and killed innocent civilians, not just in Iraq or Afghanistan but in most likely every long term conflict that has occurred all the way back to the Revolutionary War. It is an unfortunate side effect of a high stress environment. Secondly who gives a fuck what some flash in the pan says. We routinely do business in the billions of dollars with our enemies, who routinely say we are the devil and should pay for our actions. Look at Russia, they opposed our actions in Iraq but are on the same side with us in regards to Syria.
  19. If it was a 70 I'd be all over it. I want a trail 70 so bad but they are so expensive. First bike I ever rode.
  20. The best part was trying to take pictures of the cab occupants. Loved hearing the sound of those small twin turbos spinning up through the curves. bowdog
  21. LOL. I believe what i said to myself was everyone is over there why am i about to survey this nice power cut, FUCK!!!
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