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Everything posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Anyone watch the premier of Falling Sky's on TBS? I just watched it and it doesn't seem to bad. We'll see how it pans out as it progresses.
  2. Ouch! Well at least your equal extremity abuser
  3. a purrfect girl to take home to Mom. http://youtu.be/lkbJdTeU-SM
  4. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylenedioxypyrovalerone pretty nasty stuff. Here is an article I posted in another thread about what it can make you do. http://www.metro.co.uk/weird/862333-man-found-in-bra-and-knickers-with-dead-goat-high-on-bath-salts
  5. I guess tear gas is an aphrodisiac to Canadians.
  6. +1. Good to there are people who give a shit and get involved.
  7. Kershockton mobile public swimming pool.
  8. The price of doing business with the government in today's world when they have control over approving mergers, mobile spectrum, etc.
  9. Classic. This place has become home to the grave robbers lately.
  10. Here are a few options http://www.streamhunter.tv/index.php?option=com_lsh&view http://www.atdhe.ws
  11. She can be the escort ride. That's a pretty cool trike.
  12. Great lunch and perfect weather for a ride!
  13. cmh_sprint

    MotoGP 2011

    I'll be there. Staying at the Wyndam on Capital. Last year was fun, '09 was off the charts.
  14. love the T/A, the Lambo's are nice but that F40 is major chubby inducing. I spent many hours lusting after that piece of motorized art.
  15. That is sexy!!! That exhaust is pretty trick.
  16. Mmmmmmmm, a slice of fried heaven!!!
  17. Didn't your mom tell you that picking the scabs off of sores would leave scars.
  18. Click you heals and go back in time about 4 years.
  19. I used to hangout in that dive when I was working in Columbus on temporary assignment in '89 - '90. The only time i got smacked by a dancer because she thought I should tip her when she wasn't even dancing for me.
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