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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. "Grapes" is the man. Don is a great man who lives and bleeds for Canada. When ever a Canadian service person is KIA he recognizes then on his weekly show during Hockey Night in Canada on Saturdays. He pulls no pinches and as you can see has no issues with speaking his mind. He would last about 2 minutes on US tv.

  2. That's fucked up! It's been said a million times before but people fucking suck. Probably some asshat texting or talking on their cell and not paying attention. Hopefully karma shows up in their life in the near future.

  3. I had this happen about a year and a half ago. I went to pay for stuff at Lowes and the lady told me she had to confiscate my card. I asked why and she said she couldn't tell me, to which I calmly asked for the phone to call the credit card company. I called them and got the same answer and every time I heard sorry I asked for a higher level person to speak to in a louder voice, which made the clerk very uneasy. Long and short someone's data base was compromised so they proactively cancelled my checking card. Once I got the whole story my I was ok but explained that it might be a good idea to send and e-mail or call the affected people rather than use snail mail as they chose to do. I got the letter and my new card 4 days later.

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