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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Leave it up to those crazy Canadians. In summary this is a yearly tradition for the minor league hockey team in Calgary. The end result is 23,000 bears donated to children's charities from this year alone. Pretty awesome and a great cause.


    Full story is here:


  2. Congrats on the promotion. I had something similar happen at the start of this month. My boss annouced she was retiring and I was taking her spot. Unfortunately her bosses boss decided he didn't want to promote anyone to fill the spot. So for the same pay and bonus percentage I have had for the past 6 years, I went from having 9 direct reports to having 11 direct reports and 112 indirect reports, along with the responsibility for the entire state of Michigan for our organization. I look at it as a chance to prove myself at a higher level and use it to advance my career in the future.

  3. if you ask me, America sold out America years ago. As much as I would love to place the blame on Democrats and those crazy Liberals, I cannot in fairness :(

    +1. this all began when some of us were very young and before a good portion of the members were born. IMO both parties have a hand in this but the main culprit is Wall Street. When Wall Street took over the board rooms the selling out of America went into high gear.

  4. I eat alone all the time. Take a book or mag to read while you wait- it ain't that bad!

    +1. when I used to travel all the time this is what I would do. I would also talk to people I was working with and find a good hole in the wall place to eat. Always enjoyed finding local hidden gems.

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