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Posts posted by cmh_sprint

  1. Excessive speed, passing on the double yellow line, reckless driving. Those bikes will make good hood ornaments. Just dont kill someone else when you kill yourself

    Wow, great first post (roughly 4 months after you joined). I would think that a introductory post would have been nice but you chose to snipe, novel approach.


  2. Any one in the Columbus area or members going to IMS that are going to Pennsylvania between now and the end of the month. I need 4 cases of cans for a snowmobile trip I have planned for the first weekend in February. If anyone can helpout it would be greatly appreciated!

  3. Who uses a phone as an alarm clock at home anyway?

    I do. After 15 years of being on-call my cell phone, previously my pager, is the only sound that wakes me up. I never hear an alarm on a clock or the radio. After being late for appointments several times I tossed my clock radio and use my cell phone.

  4. That was a bullshit call, especially in light of the QB from Tennessee making throat cutting motions after their last touchdown and not getting a flag. He got what he deserved though, crying like a bitch on the sideline after his INT cost Tennessee the game.

  5. i was in thailand playing ping-pong in ding-dang. A high stakes game in some opium den. Turns out, these aren't the types of guys who like to lose. When i beat them, they beat me. They worked me over good. And this is hard to say. They held me down and shoved a ping-pong paddle up my ass.

    das boot!!!!!!!

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