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Everything posted by jbot

  1. I touched myself thinking about your reaction. Hhhnnnnngggg
  2. Why u selling bro too early for minivan
  3. This thread reminds me of the time I kept sending @Isaac's Papa links to used oem sprockets for some race bike I was riding a few years ago in an effort to be a cheap ass. He was very kind and put up with it for about 3 links and finally told me "holy shit stop sending me ebay links you cheap fuck". Paraphrasing, the actual words were probably more hurtful.
  4. mmmmmm kinda want but i already have a 870 whatever with extra crap on it from a state trooper turn in already. MMMMMmmmMMMMmmMMMMMMMmmmMmm
  5. if there is karaoke, i will be there to pretend to sing with cleaver and then leave him to croak it out by himself as a big fuck you to the white man
  6. i didn't see the part where he's looking for 150+ hp so disregard my suggestion.
  7. i'll leave the liter bikes to my betters. i was very pleased with the 675 motor when i had the daytona.
  8. street triple fo sho. light, handles very well, plenty of power, shares components with daytona. what's not to like?
  9. why not zoidberg? i think i'd get a ducati harley diavel if i already had a sportbike. if not, then i'd get a street triple. KTM any of the dukes would also be great. naked fo lyfe
  10. jbot

    I own rep.

    dat rep to post count ratio tho
  11. It's a great bike and you're a pirate hooker
  12. I think you should get a set of Avon 3D Ultra Sport AV80. Oh my, what's this? I may just have a brand new set of those by some happy happenstance!
  13. jbot

    I own rep.

    MariaDB sucks MySQL is better
  14. jbot

    I own rep.

    Rep rules everything around me RREAM, get internet money, dolla dolla billz yallllllll
  15. jbot

    I own rep.

    How very... nouveau riche of you
  16. great job guys. i'm sure ryan was smiling as the clutch starting fucking around and asking "let's see you bishes deal with this"
  17. at least tree fitty
  18. jbot

    Good News thread:

    let me live my little noob parenting fantasy until my little ones grow into insufferable twats you heartless cynical cunt
  19. look how nice and polite he was back in 2009.
  20. you shut your whore mouth, you're not selling that thing already. i expected better from you. thank you for capitalizing "He". shhh shhhhh shhhhh... i don't need to know it's autocorrect.
  21. so to get serious for a minute, disclaimer will vouch for hannah but not lend her his/her bike(s)? that said, if you work in a purchasing or engineering position (where you directly affect purchasing decisions) at a company that routinely purchases small to medium sized lots of CNC machined components, i would be happy to lend you my zuma 125 or grom 125 or i will purchase a used street triple R and lend it to you. i would even deliver said bike(s) for your enjoyment in my truck within say... a 150 mile radius, and go over the controls and even offer some light performance riding instruction. if you don't work in one of the above listed positions or something like it, then... omfg justin why don't you just lend her your copper POS already?
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