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Everything posted by jbot

  1. why would you tell everyone on a board full of "haters" that "hate" on you that your dad has a problem with child pornography?
  2. you're supposed to get one if it's your first event of the season. not sure if it applies for max time twilight thanks for posting up pics mykill, i found his photobucket after you posted it.
  3. just tell us, you pansy. you know damn well we're the only family you have now. unless you wanna take it to THE beebs. i'm sure they will be there with warm and fuzzies.
  4. The rest of us real men have been at the track. Sorry to be so inattentive to you kids... Daddy has been too busy hurting mommy. Tomorrow: midohio
  5. And just think, not so long ago, you thought we were so fucked up. Now you're giving out handies with the best of them.
  6. monday is still looking ok. i'm not gonna bother to sign up til very last minute since i doubt it'll be sold out.
  7. i'm glad you got it worked out with todd. come hang out with us in the pits. we'll probably be taking up a large section of the pits.
  8. i hope you have a soft concrete curb by your house. i'm on my way.
  9. i actually got the p22 shortly before/after the VT thing happened. that was awkward. I still like the ATI/gsg/sig 1911-22. i might get one if i find one at a decent price. that's pretty neat. if they shoot decently well, i might see about getting one for a family member since they've always been interested in the PPK-style.
  10. if any of you ra-tards going full retard in this thread ever EVER complain about how the two party system is fucked, i'm going to find you and curb stomp your shriveled ignoramus testicles. your extremist, stuck in the mud, can't see anything beyond my own shortsighted lame ass opinion, mindset is what got us to this point of "liberal versus conservative" "democrat versus republican" cluster fuck. i hope you feel bad. also, you like dudes.
  11. too bad you squeezed the extra few hundred bucks out of my track-toys fund with your over priced, incomplete kawasucky. i could've bought this trailer if it wasn't for your half assery and causing damage to my precious thumb. i hope you feel bad. That's all I'm sayin'. ....ohhhh ho ho ho ho
  12. what's wrong with it? i wouldnt blame the gun for your and my poor shooting skills. i know. we should probably stick to swords to keep it fair.
  13. tell me, something.... do you want to learn to be a firefighter by being tossed into a burning building? how about learning to be a police man by being locked in a room with a 300lb rapist?
  14. ok, i just saw your post in the beaver thread. since this if your first time on track, you need to sign up for novice and go through classes until somebody can see how your riding is, and if intermediate isn't too crowded, you can get bumped up if the control rider believes that you would be a good fit and have the necessary set of skills to get bumped. as for skipping classes, though i highly recommend against it (especially since this is your first time on track), you can talk to todd about it and see what he says. if you ride in novice, at least for the first session, you'll ride with a group and then there will be some re-arranging to allow similarly paced riders to ride together. it is very unlikely that you wont be able to find a group suited for your pace. post up or PM any of us if you have more questions.
  15. definitely get a hold of todd asap to make arrangements. without knowing your track experience, knowledge of beaver/PIRC, riding/racing experience, we couldn't tell you much. i'll bring my spare set of leathers just in case. it's a size 42US (52 euro). i'm not sure it'll fit you (sounds like it'll be a bit short), but if you can't find anything, it might work. todd should have something that will fit you though. good luck, and hope we see you there.
  16. i was looking for yet another 22lr pistol, and i thought it would be neat to get a 1911-type version. I had seen the GSG version and thought it was ok. i knew there was a sig branded version as well but i havent seen one of those yet. i saw a colt/walther/umarex version yesterday as well as browning's. the browning was like a smaller replica of a 1911-clone (lol) and pricey (like $550 or something). i passed. i liked the colt/walther/umarex because it was like some abominable mashup of a 1911 and a walther p22 (which i adore). it's not exactly a tank or super well built, but compared to the GSG, i kinda thought it was a bit nicer... i didn't have them side by side, so it is an unreliable observation at best. anyway, here it is in all it's passably-ok-build-quality glory: i havent had a chance to shoot it yet, so hopefully it shoots at least as well as my p22 does. feel free to post up about your 1911-22 or any fave 22lr pistol/rifle/revolver/cannon
  17. So, now that the appropriate levels of extremism has been reached, can we talk about clothes hangering some babies out of a vagina yet? It's my body, biatch, I'll do what I want!
  18. i've gone through airports with TSA friendly laptop bags. some of them still made me take it out and put it in one of those retarded baskets. in retaliation, i picked at my butthole, shook their hand and gently caressed their face. the smell... it never washes out, you know.
  19. r1complainer will because he is a little bitch EDIT: wait i meant "witch" damn you, autocorrect.
  20. everyone ITT should get married. therefore, i am for gay marriage. how bout them apples, bi0tches?
  21. it's so unfair that dudes doing dudes never have to worry about trying to gently drop the phrase "just the tip? please?"
  22. "07 600rr" should be "...sad face..." I'm helping. "rode a scooter once" I'm helping. ....ohhhh ho ho ho ho ho ho
  23. Have fun kiddos, I have to skip the round to go to Vegas and LA that weekend
  24. Someone please save us a spot. We'll probably be there early sat morning. If we can make it by fri, I'll post up but probably unlikely.
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