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Everything posted by jbot

  1. only god can judge you now, you baby murdering human trafficker!!!!1!!1!11!!1!
  2. if i give my coal away, or sell it, you can't call the buyer/recipient a thIEf. also, your stance states you love abortion and therefore love to kill babies. what kind of person are you, it's like i hardly know you at all or something.
  3. selling sperm/eggs is human trafficking too.
  4. tell them to go to samsclub.com and order a few pallets of those 36 bottles of water for $4. god, don't those nubs know how to use the internets?
  5. you're dead to me ...wait, what does busch league mean?
  6. my dogmeat can beat your dogmeat ...wait.......
  7. all that caged heat has tempered her eye brows into hawt sauce
  8. i must be a good instructor cause tyler totally got his mad rain riding skills from me. lol
  9. jbot

    My newest 1911

    i just got back into 1911's again myself. picked up a monolith TRS. i need to buy a bushing wrench lol
  10. alienpi is a good seller. i'm sure these speakers are just as he described. i should've bought them, but i'm saving to close on a house. then i'll end up paying a lot more money to buy these like i should've. god i'm a nub. actually, let me know if the sale falls through lol
  11. i heard our spz9 (or 6 or 7 or whatever it is) did very well considering the conditions! good job jen!
  12. i hope you are at least consistent. maybe go volunteer to help console rape victims and say "there there... at least you learned an important lesson: don't wear slutty clothes, you skank" and at darfur survivors' shelters and after listening to their story, say "so avoid bad areas is the moral of the story? checklol"
  13. i know you exist in real life... but are you for real?
  14. it was huge, black, was making threatening gang sign gestures, and moaning something about it's favorite food. "wiiiiiiiiiiiings" or "plataiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiins" or something. it looked JUST like this:
  15. craig's wife was inside of your vagina? that's odd. i won't be there this weekend. have fun biatches
  16. i take their face and shove their nose in the chamber and say "BAD! VERY BAD!" then give them time out. that will learn them, every time.
  17. one time, i used a gun to shoot at a paper target. IT WAS COMING RIGHT FOR ME BRAH
  18. tell them you'll be nice and "let" them take care of your tires, fuel, and race (and practice, ie, track days) fees and you'll "let" them put their stickers on your glorious kawk
  19. i just like to know people who are sponsored and mooch off of their discounts.
  20. just keep that loud music down, and keep the fuck off my lawn. but for serial, why would you live downtown or near downtown if you didn't want to be near the heart of activity? people don't live in NYC because they want a big yard and some personal space. if you want peace and quiet but work downtown, suck it up, make the not-that-shitty drive into downtown and live about 25-30 minutes away. like so many other places, i like my exposure to the city in small doses, but during that time, i like to be bombarded with noise, violence, food, expense, and homelessness. my guess is that it has a lot more to do with the city budget than actual quality of living. looks like after the shake down of the previous corrupt and inept government, the next batch of raa-tards are flexing their fingers. ghey, typical.
  21. i just put on my honey badger hat and don't give a fuck
  22. i had absolutely no idear this was happening. time to google.
  23. i'll probably go again this year. last time, i found a bunch of money with a sexy note on my nightstand when i woke up.
  24. it takes a truckload of $2 bills.
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