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Everything posted by jbot

  1. hey, do what you think is best to grow your sport i guess. it doesn't change my personal interest in it (which is positive). i'm offering my opinion (which you can choose to disregard, no blood lost from my boner if you do or don't) that the tactic of negatively contrasting other motor sports for the benefit of yours is unnecessary. you wanted to get the message across that "small bike racing is cheap and low risk for injury". in addition to saying those things, you throw in the jab about the mountains of corpses air lifted off to their weeping mothers. i feel like small bike racing already has enough going for it that the people that are interested will give it a try without the need to highlight the dangers of other types of racing as some sort of foil. two wheeled racing has a hard enough life in the states as it is. if people ask me about racing bikes, i don't feel the need to talk shit about motorized unicycle racing and how wobbly and hard to maintain balance it is. so fucking hard.
  2. agree. i generally find it a boner killer when i hear bad mouthing of any motor sport in an attempt to elevate the appeal of someone's preferred flavor of motors and rubbers.
  3. jbot

    Elder Kennedy

    hurray for elder kennedy!
  4. indeed, i never imagined someone with such profane vulgar perverse dick fingers to be such a nancy bitch face what with the rules about pants. SHAME
  5. i thought about barging in and harassing the lot of you jerks, but it is sooooooooo faaaaaaaaaar
  6. this thing is baller tastic. i had no idea you could get these bastards in stick. no comment on price one way or the other. glws!
  7. i want to be impregnated by her, carry her child to term, and deliver it from my butt. no, my butt. my butt. what did you do to my phone? you are a terrible child!
  8. the worst bike reveal for the worst bike ever
  9. she melts hearts and steel beams better than jet fuel. bitch.
  10. Seriously. Who made all these faggots moderators?
  11. nobody asked you. jesus
  12. don't drag me into your sodom and gomorrah fantasies. i'm an upstanding family man now. i'll hear no more of this talk of bestiality and man-on-man action.
  13. what's the maintenance like on these bastards?
  14. dumb kids have been fighting at easton since it's been open. actually, at any mall or anywhere else kids gather, dumb kids fight.
  15. my car enthusiast buddy absolutely loves the shit out of his subie forester turbo
  16. Don't be a girl, no cop will pull your gokart over for being intoxicated.
  17. Picked up my set of cooper discoverer for like 250 after rebates. Check eBay for tires in your size and search by lowest price.
  18. what the fuck, go karts or go home. jesus
  19. what's he going to do if he finds you? chase you down angrily and give you silent emo rage stares but then pout when a cadillac separates him from you in normal every day traffic? then write angry forums posts about it afterwards and tell you all the things he might have done if only you hadn't been saved by that cadillac? derpderpderpolicious
  20. that ride was about as fun as your could expect from a quick jaunt into whereever the fuck we went. to this day, i'm sort of mystified by their hapless anal angst. milk drinkers.
  21. -mowing lawns -considering buying a car then an suv then a truck then a camaro then a seriously what the fuck -graeters. ugh. -rooting for cinci teams for some fucking reason
  22. on topic, i think i join something like summer of 08. then at some point, many users were deleted and i had to re-log in and used my same intro (beep beep boop bop biatch) and the rest is who hist----whogivesafuck
  23. jbot

    Cleveland IMS

    where the fuck are all these asians coming from?
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