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Everything posted by jbot

  1. there are like 6 people on here that have raced 600's. you're probably better off asking at WERA or somewhere track/race oriented.
  2. there's lots of space on either side that show up on my monitors that you could load up with reality kings video ads plz k thx
  3. Brian bad should get this if he doesn't have one already
  4. Where were you when I needed to store all that delicious boobie milk
  5. Someone make a thread and I'll be there for the medina one. I'll bring a few people with me too. Prepare your anus
  6. Ripe thread for a series of yo mama jokes
  7. jbot

    Cleveland IMS

    Might go. We'll see
  8. when i say "1 account" i mean joint accounts for 95% of payroll income... of course we have a checking account, investment accounts, savings, retirement, etc etc etc, but they are all joint. we still have our old individual checking accounts. i keep mine more for sentimental reasons than anything since i've had it for like 20 years.
  9. 1 account. you're fucked in a divorce regardless so there is no point bothering with it unless you have a very very specifically laid out prenup. even that won't matter much when it comes down to assets earned after marriage anyway.
  10. the experts should show which symbols they're buying
  11. i don't know why i bother with you simpletons
  12. I'm not sure how much more I can emphasize you should do what you want how you want. Where you got the feeling that I said it was some "terrible" thing is beyond me.
  13. please invest in machine guns and machine gun parts k thx
  14. Like I said, I'm not judging. Handle the purchases how you want, it's your business not mine. Gifting and personal transactions are perfectly legal the way you're describing. But if I know a gun is definitely going to someone other than me, they should be the one to go through the process not me. One of the big talking points for gun rights is the idea of the "responsible law abiding gun owner" and if we're more or less exploiting one of the same so called "loopholes" that criminals do to get guns on the street then we are not helping the cause in terms of setting a good example. Of course, the critical thing is that we don't go and do something stupid with the guns and don't go selling/transferring the legally purchased gun to someone who shouldn't have it in the first place. in that regard, I think most gifted and privately sold guns are perfectly kosher, but like I said, doesn't set a good example in some cases.
  15. honestly, you should do the transaction for your gun and your wife should be doing it for hers. Not judging but that's how it's supposed to work.
  16. Umm road to Hana? A death trap for riders but would be a fun death trap. Haleakala or whatever? Maui has some damn tasty roads you guys are cray
  17. jbot

    Got the Tesla!

    Empty cans of beast strewn about the cabin oughta do it
  18. You can spend half that on a fabulous 06 fz1 that's better than either
  19. If your tv and laptop have hdmi, no just a cable
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