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Everything posted by jbot

  1. i bought the us leisure one because it had great reviews for the most part, price is good (700 right now, mentor home depot had 3 in stock at the time so no shipping) and i wanted a plastic one since my old metal shed rotted out and caved in. granted, that "shitty" metal shed lasted a good 15 years, so I can't complain much. originally wanted to do gravel, but don't have experience with that. i know how to nail some wood together though, so going with wood base.
  2. i just got that first shed for my house in mentor. going to be putting it up soon. will give opinions once it's done. looks like we'll be putting on wood base. that 2nd wood one has an extra $250 for delivery and there are no pickup in store options. looks nice otherwise. comes with wood base, just need to add plywood. third link is same link as 2nd. if you have a home depot card, just ask the customer service lady to give you 10% off even if you dont have the coupon they mail you every few months.
  3. hahaha here: http://www.theonion.com/video/brain-dead-teen-only-capable-of-rolling-eyes-and-t-27225
  4. i miss you too buddy! one of these days, we will get together and you can gaze upon Mina's beautiful stupid chicken nugget face
  5. Seriously though... It's the worst. You know what's better? Fisting yourself and subsequently making yourself talk like a puppet, saying "holy shit does the katana suck some major donkey nuts or what!" Yeah, like your hand after puppet mastering yourself, it's real shitty... right up to its own elbows.
  6. i thought that was redkow in the video? are you saying it's not?
  7. i have a pic just like this on my facebook, but with me. it's a lot less adorable and a lot more creepy when it's a 34 yr old man instead of 3 innocent guileless children. i guess.
  8. no seriously, just poop when you feel bad.
  9. i usually just have to poop or puke and then i'm good again.
  10. can't speak for other people, but my held phantoms and titans both withstood an awful lot of abuse during my few years of racing, with very minimal damage.
  11. interesting idea. i will consult my resident 675 expert when he gets back from being married like a dumbass.... i mean, happily married and better for it!
  12. You can have the Zuma for that much, maybe. Still too much bike for you, sissy.
  13. It sure is! So is my grom, Zuma, and 675r
  14. life is a lot easier if you start with too many bikes in the garage and are too lazy to sell them off quickly.
  15. jbot

    130mph vs radio

    Wait, did it say what his name is in the group?
  16. Overwhelming cuntrifugal force will always overcome tremendous traction and grip, every time.
  17. I dunno how small that gun is, but like midget said, the glock 43 is supposed to be an incredible shooter for the size. I loved my Walther pps, and hear nothing but good things about the shield. Or you could just sack up and get good with your gun if you're not looking to change.
  18. alright, fuck it. it's been a while. i'm in. bring it, brady bunch.
  19. wear some gloves and get used to the recoil. if that's the gun you're carrying, that's the gun you should get more practice with
  20. i'll use your mom as a meat shield, you snooty motherfucker
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