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Everything posted by jbot

  1. old laptop or desktop with a reasonably good graphics card. pair with a logitech K400 or similar keyboard, and you're golden. watch whatever the hell you want from any source (website, app, network, whatever) also have roku, chromecast, ps4. laptop is most flexible and if you setup a few links/apps, the most capable.
  2. i sold that piece of fascist italian garbage a while ago (but still own 2 nazi cars and 3 socialist japanese bikes)
  3. sounds like it should go to NHTSA or whatever that agency is that handles dangerous vehicle faults. i'm guessing there are many other stories like yours there already.
  4. Dainese gear makes me look sexier than most ladies, so I imagine it would get some ladies close to my godliness in leather.
  5. but that's basically any college town. OSU has got to be one of the largest colleges in the world for sheer enrollment numbers (and i'm sure others like campus size and spread), so naturally, in a suburb town like columbus where many residents went to OSU, you're gonna see just a shit ton of OSU crap like scarlet and gray glitter all over the place like a stripper bomb went off. maybe YOU should get over YOURself and drink the motherfucking coolaid, boyyeeeee
  6. it's ok, we all make mistakes when we're young
  7. i'm always right i don't know why you guys continue to argue after i post in threads.
  8. you guys don't need to hire all these people, when i have open lathe capacity in fabulous mentor, ohio.
  9. Oh, sorry you couldn't go to an actual good school.
  10. Somebody got somebody's wife's nudes. I fucking know it.
  11. As long as we're drawing the line between isis (and their ilk) and Muslims in general, we don't disagree at all. The rest of the details, I don't care. Some in this thread and others seem to portray all Muslims as adhering to the violent jihad requirements and that's just plainly stupidly clearly wrong. I hope I conveyed that. If you disagree with that, then we do disagree. Then we can have fun.
  12. If I hate you for your stupid face, does that make me a.... Fascist? Badum tissssss
  13. As far as labels go, if you actually hate all Muslims because they are Muslim, then yeah, you're definitely a racist, bigot, islamaphobe, whatever. I think most of you arent quite there yet though... but with some of the rhetoric, you're starting down that slope. You're at the "hmm I mean... Jews kinda irk me, I wonder if life would be better in Germany without them around?" stage. Honestly, if Modern day Islam was fundamentally violent, we would be seriously fucked. There are soooo many Muslims in the world, if they all upheld isis-y beliefs, all you pale skin round eyes would be burning in a cage or losing your heads. I'm not going to sit here and play dumb to the clearly higher number of extremist Islamists involved in isis and other like groups. There are many. But for every 1 America/whitey hating Aladdin, there are 1000 perfectly nice neighborly down right Mormon-y peacefully devout Muslim. Do I think that overwhelming majority could do more to oust the extremist legions? Sure. Does modern day Islam prescribe to some of the more metal portions of the Quran you're quoting? No way, you filthy racist piece of human garbage. I mean, you reactionary simpleton. I mean, maybe you're just mistaken and taking the rhetoric a little far. Yeah... that last one.
  14. i hope this will help you unclean heathens bible vs quran
  15. there must have been some good dramallama that led to this violent civil war. Let's hear the goods.
  16. Save your money and get a tavor or some other baller bullpup. Then sbr and suppressor for the win
  17. cnc porn. never gets old.
  18. jbot


    eww no i can't stand jews. MUSLIM POWER
  19. want a cool gun? MK23 or its little bro the USP 45 Tactical. actually, any of the USP or HK series tacticals are "kewl" guns. Never shot the FN's, but hear lots of good things. btw, MK23 is fucking ginormous, so unless you have enormous pterodactyl wings for hands, forget it. My first gun was a P99 AS. The newer version is supposed to be even better. Also a very "cool" gun (apparently, it has been used in quite a few movies) and very ergonomically designed. One of the nicest shooters, and for a time, was one of the most underrated. People know better nowadays. A nice 1911 is ALWAYS nice to have. I love my Les Baer. Had a sig GSR (before they switched names), and it was pretty good. Shot a kimber (fairly basic model). it was ok, but that was a while ago. Could be much better or much worse now. there are others, but these are somewhat in a normal humans price range.
  20. jbot


    i know tonik was being facetious but i still like that the shop grunt told the old nerd what's what.
  21. jbot


    if i see someone misspell motherfucking "BORDER" or "BORDERS" one more goddamn time, i'm gonna go full Shiva on your asses.
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