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Everything posted by jbot

  1. you think you're so smart, trebek... i'll get you next time!!!
  2. why don't you bishes just go to grattan this weekend? it's the place to be, yo. that was my way of saying, "I would love to attend a ride this weekend, but I will be unable due to a prior engagement at Grattan"
  3. i'm just not a fan of dark amorphous green on that particular bike.
  4. actually, i think it's a 2003 998s "matrix reloaded edition" they only came biposto (2 person seater) and only in green. eww.
  5. hmmmmmmmm decisions decisions
  6. does this mean you're not doing autobahn? lol
  7. i never provoke an obviously nicer car into racing with my car or bike cause even if i win the race, i still lose at life. i also never provoke an obviously crappier car into racing with my car or bike cause even if i win the race, i'd still be a douche and if I lose, I'd be a fucking tool.
  8. you dummy, you could probably get like 200 for it! sell it on the r6 forum for mad profitssss yo lol but srsly, i've had no trouble selling my corbins for my 600rr and f4i for 200.
  9. have sex on the bike. the splooge will make anything sticky. lollololololol
  10. hurray! you're the bestest faux mexican evar
  11. crushing my hopes and dreams. i hope you're happy! lol thanks for the info. i'll stop frantically trying to find a way to get an invite.
  12. also for everyone else, i figured out that the august 10th event is a tucker rocky riding school... what is that and how can i get in? it's probably too late to try and get in, but i figure since i have that week off, i might as well try to sign up so i can just stay there monday and tuesday.
  13. if you think you'll have enough room! that would be teh ballerz are you going to tow me around so the mean intermediate guys don't shake their fists at me around mid ohio (and grattan lol)?
  14. you better be going to grattan, you bish!
  15. i'll be there, but i think i'm already in someone else's garage. i'll probably be running intermediate as well. please try not to hurt my feelings as you pass.
  16. darn it, i was going to buy this bike for my dad!
  17. i'll take a set if you have any left after tpoppa and gixxie gets done with yas.
  18. if you have details on where you were found and dates, etc, you might consider contacting: 1. the orphanage in al salvador. if they don't have info about you there, then no one will 2. the local and regional government for san salvador and then see if you can dig up anything at the "federal" government level (or the central government for al salvador). they may have resources for this very thing since a situation like yours was probably not isolated. i would at least try those two things before flying over to a foreign country with basically no leads other than an orphanage. do you speak spanish? if not, try to get hooked up with some spanish/english speakers (I'm sure there are plenty in cbus... try contacting the OSU spanish language department, i'm sure they'll be ecstatic to help you). i'm sure having someone (you or someone else) that can speak spanish will help tremendously. all that said, consider the effect this could have on your parents as well. i'm sure they will put on a brave face for you when you tell them you want to find out more about your biological parents... but privately, what might they be thinking? i wouldn't speculate anything about you, your parents, and the kind of relationship you have with them and i'm certainly not saying you should feel bad for doing this, but i'm sure it can't be easy for them. in the end, it is your life, so i'm sure they are happy to let you find out what you can about your past. good luck, whatever happens.
  19. i figured since you were looking at 05 gsxr's, 04's wouldn't be a stretch. i don't think there is much difference in technology since like... 2001. well, at least not $2000 worth of difference anyway. anyway, good luck on the search. i'm pretty sure if you were looking in the 7k range, you could get lucky and land a leftover 07 or 08.
  20. i'd be all over that, but i'm headed to grattan that weekend. woot.
  21. jbot

    Bent rim

    how badly bent was it and how much did it cost, if you don't mind me asking?
  22. wasnt there an 04 cbr1k going for like mid 4's earlier this month or last month?
  23. i'll be there the first weekend of august. very excited. i'll find out first hand if it's as bumpy as nelson.
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