ban IP, he's dirty anyway. so sick of that fucking guy, bashing on someone just cause he rides a superior bike that doesn't leak (it's a kawi bish! not some POS oil dripping ducati), can drag knee even with jeans (doesn't even need knee pucks cause knee pucks is cheating and makes it easier to touch down like a real baller), and runs like the wind from the police.
Except, unlike the pussy ass bitch wind, which only goes like 60mph or so around here, he can wring that zx10r to like 200mph. Hell, I heard radio signals can only travel at like 150mph. Even though that's pretty fucking fast, you don't see radio signals dragging knee do you? never. that's right, fucking pussy ass radio signals never drag knee, and you know why? cause it's a little bish that wears all it's gear, that's why. i bet it gets all hot, and complains about how hot it is, and how much of a pussy it is.
fuck IP, FTP, fuck radio signals and helicopters, none of those bitches drag knee on the street like baller kawi liter bikes in jeans.