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Everything posted by jbot

  1. Man, back in my day, they used to pay you to be bukkaked. Times sure have changed, or Christians are weird as hell.
  2. Just. Get. A. Lawyer. The consult will be nothing compared to all the time you waste and the potential money you gain/save by not being ill informed and going on info from a bunch of dudes who will claim they ANAL
  3. hi, i'm in lake county too. hope to see you around. look for a red grom, blue zuma 125, red fz1, red 998s, or god knows what else.
  4. i'm trying to find out if i can take the arc up here. i would actually love to teach it, but i dont think anyone will respect me on the grom or zuma.
  5. oh the huge manatees, how dare those 1st and 2nd generation immigrants defile our "national anthem" by singing it in their native tongue. we, 3rd~nth generation immigrants, find it highly offensive and demand that we only drink pepsi from now on... pepsi's ceo, who is indian american (dot, not feather) will be cackling to the sounds of "america the beautiful retards" joyously, most joyously indeed. morans.
  6. i was definitely not about to black out while pooping in the bathroom on the way out of the bar.
  7. i went into beast mode after i found out you bought the tickets from 2talltim before i got a chance to, you dickbutt
  8. I just want you all to know... neener neener neener
  9. jbot

    Snow test

  10. jbot

    Snow test

  11. jbot

    Snow test

    it's the liberals and their gay global warming hoax magic
  12. i'll be there. i'm sorry for all the horrible things you and your children will hear out loud. things that should never be verbalized. i'm sorry.
  13. life is so much easier with sudden brutal decapitation
  14. some times.... he licks too much out. too much. I'll never get my jiblets back. i didn't check the expiration date, I ordered it on amazon, got it in 2 days, put it in and it didn't work quite right. So unless they sent me old stock (which is a distinct possibility), that would be their/amazon's responsibility to make sure they don't send old stock that they know will not catalyze correctly. the real lesson here is, don't jam it WAAAAAY the fuck in the ear like the instructions explicitly says to not do.
  15. i had some success with the make it yourself ones, but the second time i tried them they didn't harden and a bunch got left in my ears. i should probably have gone to a doctor to get the remnants removed, but i said ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, fuck it. what could possibly go wrong? many months later, my poor wife is still digging them out occasionally when she gets too disgusted with my ear wax to stand idly by.
  16. i'll be there, probably.
  17. jbot


    No drugs for the delivery? Sweet christ, you better not piss her off. If she can tear out a 9lb baby jesus out from her sweet meats al naturale, she will probably fuck your shit UP. That said, congrrrraaaaaaatsssss!
  18. Atheists and Christians, so sensitive about errthang. Just relax, everyone hates your face no matter what stupid shit you believe.
  19. Use leather safe conditioners and put it on while home. Whenever I got new race suits, I would immediately take it out and put it on and parade around the house and sometimes sleep in it. After I got over that, I'd put the ball gag in my mouth and the whips and the suspension rig and hhhhhhnnnnnnnggggg And then it fit great.
  20. Jesus Christ, you were running 41's? What were the employees running?
  21. so now that i'm home and had some time to type some of this out 1. thanks to all the staff that was very... laissez faire (in a good way) with some of our contact during the heats and races, and for patiently taking care of the timing issues 2. thanks to mojoe for putting this together and handing out the goodies 3. it was most excellent to see you guys again the "qualifying" heats/practice were good times, despite the timing issues that messed some people up in the placement for the races. I was second in my group(s) the during the practice (I think howie was 1st, probably cause of that epic beard), and got moved into the 1st group for the race. During the race, I was getting chased down like some sad plump puppy in the streets of korea by Mikey B and eventually I either caved under pressure and spun out or got tangled up with someone and never saw him again after he passed me. My times during that race was still good enough for 2nd in the last race which was to be determined by placement rather than times (unlike the last 2 events, which was strictly by fastest lap time). We did a nascar style start which is basically the format where we get paraded around to the starting line by the pace car and then we go on the green flag. Mike and I got away pretty clean, and we were involved in our own little race until we ran into lap traffic and he got tangled up with someone. After that, I was out front for a while until Mojoe in his beastly kart came up on me. He and I exchanged some kart fluids and went back and forth for the front spot until he fell away at some point (I'm not sure what happened). He had the slightly stronger kart and I had the slightly under powered one (from what people told me that had driven it before) and we went back and forth changing positions in the braking/accel areas. After my battle with Mikey and Mojoe, I didn't get to "race" with anyone other than lap traffic and then the race was over all too soon. My laptimes started at 44.8 in the first session, 44.4 (or something like that) in the second session, and my best during the last race was a 43.99 or something similar. I think the only one that had a faster laptime than me (in our group anyway) was Joe (vw151) with a best lap time of 43.97 despite a 80ish lb weight disadvantage compared to me which is pretty damn impressive. For me, the track was really slick so my fastest time was with the slowest kart, which helped me to not spin out like I did the last 2 sessions. Anyway, it was fun winning the race. Never happens to me when it matters lol. Everyone should buy the pre-season membership package thingamabob as it's a good deal. I think this is the link if it hasn't been linked already http://gpindoor.com/pre-opening-membership-special/
  22. F4iguy can take comfort in knowing that the bike kevvypoo is toasting all the haterade to has gone at least a full second faster at any track he's been on ever in its worst condition in any of his newer, faster, nicer looking, nicer safety wired bikes he ever ridden. on Q2's.
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