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Everything posted by jbot

  1. you already let one smoking hot opportunity pass you by... don't let this one go ry-ry
  2. rhill... why havent you sold your body yet for this bike? hurry up already, you know you want it baaaaaaad
  3. aww, i thought it would be a lot more dramatic than that. well, other than the whole, "almost getting run over by 10 people" thing i mustve done something to make it tuck like that after the first big "bucking" action. not sure... maybe i chopped the throttle? thanks for the video anyway. looking forward to the SBK1 race video
  4. Sounds like you boys should've gone racing instead.
  5. Post the video soon. I think I managed a 2nd in sbk1. Makes me a sad panda to have missed the mini.
  6. ronstoppable or rhill needs this in a bad way, each for their own little reasons. hurry up and sell your pigs and pick up this one.
  7. i dunno, maybe park us where ever will be fastest so we can get on track quickly when the 5 board comes out.
  8. i wanna go to midoh too, but all the cool kids are going beaver this weekend
  9. my post got more reps than yours did, so i are winrar.
  10. if someone gets there ahead of us (almost guaranteed), can you save use some spots? we are hoping to get there before 9, but we've been saying that for 3 years.
  11. i don't know "what" I am in terms of my religious/non-religious beliefs, but seriously... Islam is inherently non-violent. how dumb are some of you?
  12. I dunno about you guys, but the Mormons really creep me out. Especially if they're twinsies. We should probably strap a bomb vest on those shining-esque creepathons.
  13. jbot

    The Top 10%

    magley and i had a big long conversation about how he believes that generally, rich people are less hard working than non-rich people. i still think he's wrong, and that i'm still right (always always right. always) but whatevers. i only like to partake in big long debates about a topic only once or twice at the most. after the first time, i think i just end up suggesting suicide as a viable option for whatever stupid face i'm talking to.
  14. we should change your name to charlie brown because you're a good man. excellent work, chum!
  15. i can see people are going to need a hug after this is all over. only 5 dollar
  16. damn you zimmerman, stop killing all the witnesses
  17. let's make fun of mikey and jen too, those jerks. i dunno about you guys, but i've had a long 3 days of craziness this week... i'm really looking forward to sat and sunday. i will require steak, crab legs, bacon, ice cream and go karts, in no particular order.
  18. i want to have sex with that girl
  19. i'm only in it for the date rape
  20. i'll buy you lunch regardless of the traffic patterns since i got you good you fucker
  21. Magdor is the latest super hero, Confused Contrary Patriot Man!!!! Magdor the Confused Contrary Patriot Man is protecting the public from combat vets who only risked their lives in the service of this country for the great benefits, protecting us all from the tyrannical Constitution, and protecting all muslims from being construed as terrorists while denouncing christians as being a blight upon this earth and much much more! Yes, let us all thank Madgor the Confused Contrary Patriot Man for his service to this country.
  22. You flip flop more than Dear President does It's just sad when a man has no principles.
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