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Everything posted by jbot

  1. looks like hollywood33's pics are nestled within the folder for brian for some reason.
  2. video of nick and his student. that's some smashing good body position on display from nick.
  3. short video of matt, brandon and I messing around in one of the advanced sessions. i think this was pretty early in the day, and we were still trying to get our bearings at the track.
  4. jbot

    Leaving Ohio

    I don't remember for sure if we rode together but regardless, hope you have a safe trip back home!
  5. That lanky biatch can fight me for him if he wants.
  6. but i have 2 gingers now. i have nicknames for them, but that's just for us. but you, i like to call "the fu-man-choode" hue hue hueeeeee by the way, once videos upload, i'll post them here.
  8. run sprints. you'll get faster faster. promise.
  9. nick needs race tires for that beast. cheap, luscious race tires that i have stock piled in my garage, for cheap. i should be there.
  10. Very lightly considering doing the Monday event. Not to cr though... Need to get my beaver fix since I didn't get to play last time out there. I guess that'll depend on if any of the cool kids are going.
  11. i use harbor freight chock and harbor freight straps. 5 years of track days and racing, no problems so far. TRS is nice and other options mentioned are too, and i'd buy one if i saw them for cheap... but imo, are not worth what they charge. harbor freight straps and chock is approx $50 when you use their coupons and have been solid for me. that said, i'm a cheap ass, so take that all with a grain of salt.
  12. oh and lest i forget... congrats to nick for making it back! we missed you buddy!
  13. so, is joe helping you sort through all those pics? i always wondered how a collaborative would work. i know it's hard work taking pictures, but from what i understand, sorting and processing is by far the biggest project. just curious.
  14. that race was amazing, as was he during the race, but i was really afraid for his life when he stalled out and started walking his bike into the path of oncoming riders. all i could think about was this video clip as one of the riders just BARELY missed him. in a situation like that, i'm sure it's tough to make a judgement call, but all i could think was "STOP MOVING, THERE ARE PEOPLE COMING!" but i guess if you stay still, people directly behind might still not see you, so you're screwed if you do, screwed if you don't. scary stuff i had a fun weekend even though I didn't get a podium of any kind... i was mostly just excited i was able to race at all since my bike started having issues with the MAP sensor and wouldn't idle. trmn8tr and i (mostly trmn8tr) tore my bike down, checked this and that (thanks to neyra for letting us borrow the voltmeter) and swapped sensors and blah blah blah. long story short, the bike wouldn't hold idle so i just held the throttle open when needed, and it did fine the rest of the races. i took 4th in the first sprint, 5th in the second. i think i took 4th in the mini20, but i'm not sure about that one. by the mini20, my tires felt pretty shagged out on both sides with what felt like my rear tire going all slippy slidey on me. i cut 4 seconds from last year, so i was pretty happy about that. got to battle with phil, soren and trmn8tr and others, and just had fun. god, i really hate that drive though.
  15. is that this weekend? crap, i should get ready
  16. i really don't know what a zj is i can make some guesses, but then we'll have to move the thread
  17. when you read this study http://www.ridetowork.org/files/docs/Lane-splitting-California-freeways-James-Oulet.pdf try to read it with a better understanding of statistical results than you did the one you posted. I would like you to point out the part in the study you posted where a comparison was made between the percentage of respondents who reported accidents while lane splitting vs percentage of respondents who reported accidents while not lane splitting? i didn't see it in there, i must've missed it. the study i posted does compare it very plainly (amongst other things). and it's based on data from the most comprehensive study of motorcycle accidents ever (and still is the most comprehensive). for the record, i never approached this topic with safety being the reason for it... it's for more rights for motorcyclists and just plain common sense (whether we agree on what makes sense is a different story). the beauty of having more rights than you might need is that others who don't agree with you can still do it, whatever reasons they may be, and you can still do what you want.
  18. I don't think you guys understand... You do realize it will still be perfectly legal to NOT lane split if you don't want to even if something passes, right?
  19. Well, technically speaking, the fact that he doesn't have a bike gives him a perfectly good excuse to not attend.
  20. you're thinking of riders discount with nate. i say anytime we order anything with nate from now on, we leave him a voicemail ending with fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk
  21. jbot

    Curve Grinding

    it should be mandatory for all motorcyclists to be able to ride a certain lap time at nelson ledges... then, nobody would ever be scurred of effed up roads.
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