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Everything posted by jbot

  1. if i can't get on a NEO to SEO ride, i'm thinking about riding to somewhere your route intersects with 93. would that be the 93/37/13 intersection, about 50 miles into your guys route? about what time do you think you guys would get there around? i gather that's not a major intersection, so i dont know how much luck i'll have with this plan, but it doesnt hurt to dream, am i right?
  2. sooooo... do we have a meeting place and time set yet? i'll be coming from lake county area, so i'll have to get a particularly early start so i'd like to start planning if possible
  3. hmm, trying to figure out which day is better for riding. sat is looking better weather wise, but i guess we'll have to see
  4. talk to trmn8tr. his race bike (2012 675arrrr) has hot bodies mounted. i think something about using the fairings from previous years and they fit just fine.
  5. so when you talk about getting gaped by your dickgirlfriend, it's funny. but if we tell jokes about you getting gaped by your dickgirlfriend, it's sick? is that what you're getting at?
  6. cause, it's really boring, and then all of a sudden, RRRREEEAAAALLYYYYY gross and then boring again.
  7. i'm still mad i couldn't make the jump from "foot-gina" to "pussy-footing". god dammit!!!!!11!1!
  8. maybe do more lunges and squats. it'll help to tone up dat azzzzzz ok, now that the gay jokes are out of the way, tell us a bit about yourself: what kind of times are you running there? that will help us determine whether we are even qualified to give you advice are there specific corners you have issues with? running wide somewhere, inconsistent lines elsewhere, getting passed, blah blah blah are you hoping to race, do track days, king of intermediate... what are your goals?
  9. damn you for one-upping me
  10. is this a case of foot-gina?
  11. i heard maybe one can use fjr luggage? i dunno, ask the fz1oa guys
  12. what will we do with all this semen? think of the knuckle babies
  13. i hate it when a bike does that because i just imagine that it's moving around like that while i'm at lean. not exactly confidence inspiring when all that's keeping you from kissing pavement is the precarious contact patch from the front and rear tire, with the front being the important one.
  14. i've been doing a LOT of track riding in the past few years, but I still loved and missed street riding, which is why i got the FZ. Jester, for someone who hasn't done track days, I say your body position looks fantastic. don't listen to R1knobgnawer, he's just bitter because everyone who buys his old bikes are faster than he is on them. we would love to see you out there, hope you can make it.
  15. since no one has posted it, yet: STT is having a track day at Grattan, located in Belding, Michigan. If you're able to get past the aversion for the scummy cesspool that is Michigan, Grattan is an amazeballs track. Lots of elevation changes, technical corners, humps to jump or launch wheelies from, long ass straight, AAAAAAAAAAAAAND, I believe it's going to be run clockwise AND counter clock wise that weekend. It will be on July 6 and 7th, I believe it's $175/day if you're not a member ($165/day if you are). I'm fairly certain TRMN8TR and myself will be there both days (we will be watching the weather, of course). Post up if you have questions, are going, not going, need to be convinced into going, etc. link to STT site: http://www.sportbiketracktime.com/July-Track-Time-Events/
  16. you'll poke your eye out, kid.
  17. if i could afford the sex change operation, i would do this track day.
  18. looks like mr turnone and turnonesbackpack got on there as well
  19. forks are bent to kingdom come, everybody paniiiiiiiic
  20. one time during a beaver track day, i did something with the oil on my aprilia rsvr which involved taking the fill cap off. i did whatever i was doing, and turned the bike on and revved it a few times. the fill cap was still off the bike.
  21. i don't discriminate. i would've gotten an fz6 if i could find a good deal on one. i just happened to find a good deal (or at least, what i thought was a good deal at the time) on an fz1 near me first.
  22. we should do an OR FZ ride. superior bikes should stick together.
  23. we're just talking about dick chicks... we haven't even started talking about snow men. i agree with you there, i loooooooooooove the sargeant on my fz1. i've had corbins on other bikes, but this is the first sargeant i've had and it is fantastic. i try to make myself useful
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