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Everything posted by jbot

  1. I wonder if I can add a "throat punch that biatch" rider to my coverage.
  2. Find em and tell them you want your ballers back
  3. Fountain automatically=baller status
  4. That's true, not an over abundance of webers on cl but they do pop up. I have nothing else to base propane economy off of, but I've used ours for like 5 dinners for two so far since getting it and propane tank is still going strong.
  5. Pick up an older genesis or better yet, an old summit. People don't know what they have.
  6. Waahhhhh nobody wants to hear your bitch noises. I'm signing up last minute as usual. I'll sign up based on who is doing what race to maximize fun time.
  7. I generally like it better than the old site. End thread.
  8. I think as long as gun owners can agree that we should fight any attempts to further erode any more of our rights, tactically advantageous or not, we are better off.
  9. When I totaled my bike, all I had to do to "prove" fair market value was to show them several private listings for my bike. Find the highest listings you can and fight them tooth and nail for every penny. Also, get them to cover ALL your gear and aftermarket stuff while you got them on the run. Don't be crazy unreasonable of course... They can make this very hard for you if they want, so when they take a hard line on something unimportant, let them have a win so they don't file you under "cray cray"
  10. Mine is there too. I was supposed to get it but I never got to meet up with jblosser.
  11. Just picked up a weber s310 propane. It heats up redonkulous fast and cooks very nice and seems to be very fuel efficient. Once I get my ng line out to the patio and/or deck, I'll be doing a conversion.
  12. Who is your insurance, sapphy? I will avoid them.
  13. They should make a porn called Whore of Mann TiTTy
  14. I hope everyone posting that they're not showing up remembers that you're automatically a queer if you don't show, per the rules. I can't help it that you have to kiss a dude instead of making this ride... rules is rules. A polite society is a rule abiding dude kissing society.
  15. hmm, i've had slightly better luck with them, but yeah, they did seem to get a bit loose on me and wear faster than the other tires (Corsa III, pilot powers, 2ct, q2). if you're new to track, i think you'll generally be fine. when you start pushing low-mid 40's at midoh, or it's VERY hot out and you're VERY hard on the gas, you MIGHT have an issue... otherwise, I think you'll be a-ok! have fun! i wish i could go.
  16. it's gonna be a beauty when you're done. hurry up and schedule that inspection brah hate your face make it so. it will be twisty and fun. but seeing as how deal's gap is a few days from that, we'll take it easy enough to be safe. this would be nice, but sadly, I personally won't be able to ride til monday morning.
  17. from the hip, off the cuff, ball park, ROM, etc etc estimate off the top of my head: sell it quick for 2500-ish sell it taking your time for low 3000's but it's summer, so there's no telling what people are willing to pay. list it at 3500, and see if you get a bit for low 3's. good luck!
  18. finally, IP can't lord his extra stars over me. the things he used to make me do because of that extra bronze star he had... god, i can never eat oysters ever again.
  19. so are we gonna be able to comment with reps again? and what will happen to the comments we got with rep previous to the migration? i want them all sent to me as hallmark cards if they won't be retained.
  20. the "Hand Jays for Track Days" promotion has been immensely popular. To prevent black/purple wiener, I'll soon be introducing "Blow Jays for Track Days" program. Lighter on my penis, rougher on your larynx. Details to come. Soon. Very soon. Almost... almoooooost.... ok, ok, just spit up into that sink there.
  21. i'm going to use my rep towards retirement.
  22. other than the thinly veiled arrogance of how NESBA is teh fastest evar? i'm sure you'll back that up with all the mylaps timing records. couple that with things you've said in other threads, it's tiresome and sad. you're a good rider, and you like riding at the track. that's awesome. no need to go all "apple is better than android omg" everytime somebody says the five letter acronym that induces you to go into back breaking orgasms. i rode with NESBA once or twice, and it was a good experience. any better than STT or motoseries? not really. they're all a little different. i would be, but i'll be in boston that weekend and Nelson is right after that. must conserve tires.
  23. i think it's great that you enjoy riding with NESBA. keep trash talking like you do about the other trackday/racing orgs, that's surely the best way to positively promote the org of your choice. you definitely don't come off as a defensive, snobby, fanboy douche at all.
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