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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. Yeah, I was just squiding it a lunch. I left the jacket and lid at my office and cruised around for a few miles. I had to be a douchebag HD guy for at least few minutes.
  2. That would be sweet. Our bass player is from Covington, that's why we set this up, getting some OR folks there would be awesome.
  3. Here are show dates I am aware of as of now. April 10: DOLPHIN LOUNGE w/ The Yield Columbus, OH 10:00pm-2:00am Hwilli from OR is helping us out on this one due to a scheduling conflict. Come see him and throw shit at him(soft things like panties or marshmallows, please). May 7: FAT'S BILLIARDS Columbus, OH 9:30:00pm-1:30am May 15: DOLPHIN LOUNGE w/ The Yield Columbus, OH 10:00pm-2:00am May 22: ROLL ON COLUMBUS You guys should know what this is about....... June 19: SHIMMERS TAVERN Fort Wright, KY 9:30pm - 1:30am Also, if anyone is on Facebook and/or Twitter, please become a fan. Bar owners look at this stuff and having fans(even virtual ones) help get us shows. Thanks, and hope to see you soon.
  4. Sure about that? Lots of cruiser hate here lately. It's fun, no worries. My guess is that the hardcore haters are the same the guys that bash fags nonstop and then later you find out they were sucking cock in the locker room. J, I'll probably be at dyno day, BTW.
  5. will do, let you know Fri night.

  6. Well fuck, I bought pink ones while I was at Iron Pony today. And BTW jsheikh, the repost thing was funny as hell.
  7. Yeah, pretty much. If you are holding the clutch and really want to wave, a two finger salute is acceptable. One middle finger is okay too, especially to the cruiser guys with lots of patches on their vests that say stuff like 1%'er and MC. Seriously, go for it. It is also acceptable(and preferred) to not wave while maneuvering as well. I watched some squid almost dump his shit trying to wave while turning after a red light. Now I'm I'm sure there is some super rider on here that has no problems doing so, but for most this is is a no-no.
  8. If I stay in town this weekend, I may hit you guys up and ride over with you if everyone can bear the shame of riding with the slow cruiser.
  9. Here are few in Eastern Ohio. I haven't been on these in years and never on a motorcycle, these were are our beer loops in high school. 147 from Bellaire to Barnesville 9 from New Athens to Armstrong Mills 250 from Bridgeport to Cadiz. There are tons more little roads around here as well. Very few LEO's, low population, very little traffic. The two best roads in the area are in West Virginia. 88 from Wheeling to Bethany 67 from Wellsburg to Bethany. short, but fun. Can also keep going in to PA on 331 from here.
  10. That is awesome, funny, and sad all at the same time. Leaning more toward awesome though.
  11. Sweet, congrats Paul. Always lots of fun to do projects like that.
  12. I actually wear a 3/4 with a shield. And bugs, no. Cougars, yes. But second class. I am somewhat sophisticated. Grr.
  13. I'm pretty sure that I break nearly every Harley bylaw(uhh, sterotype:p) anyway. I'll still wear my helmet, at minimum just to keep bugs out of my mouth.
  14. Might have to try these. I don't like things in my ears(yes, including your toungue, J), but these might not be bad. I have a set of Shure over the ears that I velcro in the ear pockets of my helmet. Works pretty well. Think I'm going totry to find a way to rig some Bluetooth/ Wireless way of getting them to my my player. I hate messing with the cord when I put my helmet on.
  15. I was tempted to give you hard time about this, but then I realized I bitch about going 10 miles for stuff, so I guess it's okay.
  16. Tom is being nice and pimping my band for me. Pig Iron would be sweet. I can't remember what's right next to it, is it residential? I wonder if a band would set up in the garage if it would dampen the noise some???
  17. Yota has been working hard to get one organized. He talked to me about it months ago, did a good job last year, and should come together soon. We have been discussing Shallowtail playing at them regularly, maybe twice a month. If we have several people trying to organize something in C-bus, they should get together and only do 1. Thursdays or Fridays get my vote. QSL and Kickstand will always get Wednesday traffic, Tuesdays and Mondays just suck.
  18. How old are you? Half the people I hang out with grew up in Timberlake, you probably know them. We're all early 30's. Tom Leonard, Rob Blau, the Prices...... Sound familiar?


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