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Everything posted by Artmageddon

  1. I fail. I keep seeing posts, and forget to get back. Sorry. We do need to catch soon.

  2. I would ride if: a. I was going, 2. it was 60 degrees. Done with wet and cold riding. Just pisses me off and like rrrider said, got nothin' to prove.
  3. Honda NW and Yamaha of Cols. will. Justin in Tipp City can as well, can't remember his full screen name.
  4. I've got the ISO's with the throttle rocker. I like them, and get the throttle rocker, it's worth it. There when you need it, unobtrusive when you don't. They are comfy, but could be a little bulkier to me. The diameter is smaller than the what I had before, and makes me close my hand a bit more and sometimes cramps up after a couple hundred miles. Scootworks or Amazon has the best prices.
  5. Artmageddon


    I just looked out the window, coming down pretty good in NW Cbus.
  6. Artmageddon


    Very nice. I've seen some of the woody look coming back on cars, and I'm liking it. I really like it on a bike. You need to get that into some shows if you're not already.
  7. As fucked up and depressed as I get, I must live well (or possibly depraved). I notice people wanting partying, sex acts, adrenaline and the sort. I've done most of that stuff and just want to calm the fuck down for a minute I guess. 24 hours? An hour of fishing with my dad, and hour of dinner and conversation with my mom, and an hour of just hanging out with my sister, nieces and nephew. I'll even take an hour to BS with the rest of family for a few minutes. It's weird I want that, I'm not even that close with my family, but maybe that's why I do. The other 20 hours would be devoted to making a work of art or writing a song that I could be remembered by and that digs down into someone's core and makes them feel better about themselves; or at least provokes some thought. That's all I ever want out of life; to share the few gifts of creation I was given and have even one person say "damn, Art really got me thinking. Now I'm going take that vacation, get a new job, stop doing drugs, learn to read, treat my spouse better; whatever I need to do make me a better person."
  8. jags get a hold of you?

  9. depends on what you want to see. ;)

  10. I think it looks more like my bike because it will be in my garage when I win it.
  11. I'll probably go too. Moose, wanna go Fri evening around 6? A few hours will more than enough. Open invitation to anyone else as well.
  12. Well crap. If it's like Detroit, I don't care as much. If I want to see abandoned factories and crack houses, I'll go to Cleveland, much shorter drive.
  13. I agree. The only part of Canada I've ever seen is Windsor. I've always wanted to go to Quebec, hoping maybe that can get thrown in. I've heard Quebec is the closest you can get to Europe without actually going there. I know most people hate the French, but that is my ancestry, probably why I like New Orleans so much too.
  14. I think so. Or maybe there will be more than one???? There are a few routes under consideration right now. Earache suggested Glacier a while back, we talked about this one, maybe a southern coastal trip too. Dunno yet.
  15. Yeah. I thought I could ride and camp once. Could for a night, probably even 3. 8 or 9? No fucking way. I love to camp, love to ride, but I'm beat up from years of sports injuries and getting old. Hell, I pull back muscles drying off after a shower and dislocate knees kicking a pebble. I used to be able to sleep anywhere, anytime. Now more than one night away from my memory foam mattress has my lower back screaming. I'm spoiled now.
  16. You must have really wanted to see some blood Saturday. You offered me your knife and told me to stab Carie before we even got to Buddy's. You got some hidden serial killer in you? Casper will be eating ginger angels soon.
  17. Cool. No worries, not really a problem and I'm sure we can have fun, but I'm not looking to hook up, not really into the flash and dash. I'm slowly starting to get back out there, and honestly, if girls can't get into a decent looking artist with a good job, a motorcycle, in a band, etc, they need to lower their standards. I'm a catch. My main goals this weekend are to have fun and hopefully find the boots I'm looking for. I aim high. I may even try to find a cool t-shirt. I still might drive solo if moose drives, gives me some hours to get some work done too over the weekend. I hate being somewhere without a vehicle. I disappear and roam sometimes.
  18. I've had good luck with that same Linksys model as well, have it at home and work. Home one I never have problems with, the work one does need re-booted every so often too like J's. Linksys products seem to talk to each other very well. I've terrible luck with a recent Linksys Wireless NIC card though. Causing BSOD's nonstop, tried every fix except a clean Windows re-install. Had to disable until I get time to re-do everything.
  19. Cool, just let us know. Dogs? Don't worry about the room if you don't stay, the 3 of us can handle it. I've already paid for it, so whoever crashes there can just throw in. I charge $109.99 a person for the privilege of hanging with me. Nah, room was $82, split 3 ways, 4 ways, I'm good with whatever. My truck is a 2 seater. Moose, you good to drive?
  20. Yota, maybe I can find a girl lonely and desperate enough to take me back to her place and uh, cuddle. If so, you can have my bed. If not, which I am sure will be the case, floor it is.
  21. I just realized your PM looked like a poem/ Haiku. You getting sweet on me?

  22. Kevin, go ahead and ride with them, I'm going to drive solo. I can get a lot of music learned during the drive. Doesn't bother me a bit, and I'm going to have be back fairly early Sunday.
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