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that dude

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Everything posted by that dude

  1. Nope got big plans for one .... But they are hard to come by
  2. No bro looking for a peddle bike!
  3. Omg.....all seriousness let's keep it clean fellas. There's a thin line...
  4. Damn. That's one beautiful bike and wife. You should wake up smiling everyday. Do like your new ride and Im not a fan of cruisers
  5. The bait for dorf is in my pants. I'm sure he's used to taking it!
  6. You have posted a few facts, mostly opinions of most republicans and some democrats. I think I deserve 100 an hr to be honet. Arguing with you would be like taking the short bus. I could care less what you say or think....but for fun I may continue!
  7. Get your head out of the republicans ass then i will. Your an idiot. You really don't know what your talking about. Move on dude
  8. not the unions fault. its the governments fault. raise the taxes on imported goods. get rid on nafta. get labor and osha laws established in those foreign countries to level out the field. those foreigners work for pennys. we dont. did i mention tariffs? get real bro and quit listening to glenn beck
  9. or standard 2 in the rear..keep an eye out:D
  10. yup dead serious....but im not traveling to c bus for it! thanks for the offer bro. damn things are hard to find!
  11. lol...i kid i kid, good deal for somebody who doesnt have a home station. those are very close to the bowflex machines. weider makes good shit.
  12. looking for a vintage 3 wheel bike. the kind that had the basket. yes i know you can buy them new.
  13. i f-n hate shoveling snow. done. i see new they are min 1100. i really dont need a big 26-30" clearing path and tracks....but they look super uber kool!
  14. sitting at home while me fellow brothers punch me out at 430
  15. Another day of doing shit and getting paid
  16. That officer fails... Too busy eating doughnuts and drinking coffe
  17. ^^^^^unions are not even close to blame for Americas problem
  18. 299, close....the gun is new. Save over 65.00 after taxes. Plus you got a nice reliable proven disosable 9 at your finger tips.
  19. Isn't the gun only 450 new?
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