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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. ^^ Looks like a steal ^^ Sucks you wrecked
  2. Why would you ever do that:p
  3. If you haven't already, check out http://www.ninjette.org/index2.php
  4. Glad you will be able to heal up. Bikes can be replaced. I use Progressive for the bikes. Never had a problem. For everything besides the bikes, I use USAA. Never had a problem. Prior military are eligible for USAA.
  5. Having seen the video. The Police were in the wrong. I was wrong for defending the Police in this one.
  6. Serious question... Can you OC, at a normally authorized place, that currently has a security detail? i.e. a presidential visit. Sorry to go off-topic.
  7. Settle down! This country is about embracing our differences. We should be able to have a respectful conversation here, or anywhere.
  8. This. Some places have trained police as dispatchers, some have a kid making $15/hr. Either way, the job is to relay/prioritize the info, not make legal decisions. Since OC is NOT THAT COMMON, this would seem like a good one to relay to officers.
  9. I go to work...and the buffoonery runs rampant in here.
  10. Maybe you should become a police officer, and do a better job. You seem to be an expert and all.
  11. Parenting ... Reimbrandt is doing it right! Cool story.
  12. Are you guys fighting for OC rights or to never be questioned about anything, ever?
  13. You must live a sheltered life. A good officer spends a large amount of time talking to people. It is much more than chit chat. This is not TV. You don't always have an open investigation or whatever just to ask simple questions.
  14. Should police never ask anyone anything?
  15. Not all of us live in the sticks, and carry our weapon around like some badge of honor. It is a weapon. Use it for it's purpose, or leave it at home. Fight political battles with words/education.
  16. Did you see a video of the discussed Riverside Speedway incident I missed? Pretty big assumptions in this thread!
  17. They knew he drove there, but he would not provide an ID. It is illegal to drive with a loaded weapon, without your CHL. 2 + 2. He is either lying or had commited a crime. Aren't those reasons to dig deeper?
  18. He would have been asked for his ID by police, if he had used it properly during an armed robbery...
  19. OC does not happen in Riverside. Hence, the story.
  20. I've sacrificed more than you know. I'm not perfect, but I am trying to keep this thread civil/polite. Please do the same.
  21. Why won't people admit this guy is looking for trouble? He has YouTube videos showing what he is doing. Officers are nowhere near perfect. Acting the way he does, things may escalate rather quickly one day, and bite him in the ass. If he wants to educate police departments, there are better ways than this. If he wants to educate the public, there are better ways as well. I never contended his right to OC. I don't think holding him briefly(the way he was acting), infringed on his constitutional rights. The charges were dropped. I am pro-gun and pro-carry. I just hate how some people think anyone that carries is infallible.
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