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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    So you have no need for police?
  2. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    Are you talking about forums & YouTube? I see videos with cops, every day, in the news, acting in a professional manner.
  3. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    Are you drunk:rolleyes:
  4. Not sure. This was in Nebraska though. I know she tried.
  5. Sorry to hear all the bad luck:( Life happens though. Remember to be thankful for what you have. I had a similar situation. Quite a while back, the wife and I both made good money. We also spent good money. One day I decided I needed a new full size truck. Bought a brand new Silverado. All was well, we could afford it, with both our checks. Next day, she gets fired for some BS reason. Couldn't even file for unemployment, because she had been fired. Tough finances for a little while. We got by. Then some major health issues in our family put everything into perspective. Once again we made it through. I like to think we are stronger for the trials we have endured. Hang in there!
  6. 4 x 8 Folding HF Trailer Coupon for $250 http://www.harborfreight.com/
  7. Where you going? I'll ride the 109 for you.
  8. Tigerpaw


    Reminds me of this one:
  9. Not a church member. I'll check into local parks some more.
  10. That sucks. Hopefully everyone is alright.
  11. Maybe unofficially. They charge $24/adult and $12/child with 50 person minimum for a "party"
  12. Being a military family separated from most of our loved ones, we have to plan ahead.
  13. The party is for friends & family to celebrate the fact, the wife and I didn't screw her up too bad for a whole year(JOKE). Nothing wrong with getting together and having fun with people you like. We are in Dayton. May just do a barbecue at Eastwood MetroPark.
  14. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    "The middle of a 4+ lane road" is not an accurate description of the video posted. Who cares if the bike displays appropriate or legal behavior...you don't try to run him over. Then cop an attitude. Then abuse your authority to bully your way out of a legally required action. I think defending his actions is worse than the actual event:nono:
  15. Where should I have my first child's 1st birthday party. Our house is small. Other kids attending would be all different ages. We are talking May 4th for the party so any outdoor ideas need a backup plan for weather.
  16. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    Thank you Captain Obvious. Are you related to this cop or something?
  17. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    The vehicles involved should not matter... If an officer feels he must breach that safety zone, he should turn on his lights, to initiate a stop.
  18. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    If true, that would be weird. Also, if he was "known" for these accidents, officers would keep better trailing distances.
  19. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    Negative. You only drive/follow within your abilities to remain safe. Period.
  20. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    This removed the integrity of your post for me. The cop would intentionally follow closer than usual...and still not be at fault for a rear-end collision? Nothing in your post would provide an excuse for the cop to hit a motorcycle. Nothing in your post would allow him to be a jerk. Nothing excuses him from filing a report. "handshake deal" my ass. That is not a standard procedure for any law enforcement involved in a wreck. Normally I give people the benefit of doubt before I know more details. This is not applicable here.
  21. If I remain stationed in OH, I will pull the trigger on a Weber S-310 in a few weeks. Way more than I want to spend, but read only "excellent" reviews. http://www.weber.com/explore/grills/genesis-series/genesis-s-310
  22. What does it say about me if they lick their junk all day?
  23. Tigerpaw

    Pig Cop

    Give me one example how the cop could be anything but wrong. Just 1 example.
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