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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. Definitely would file my taxes on Purge Day.
  2. I agree that people don't pay attention! I was just worried about those blurps on the map that seemed to have the speed changing every 5 miles...on a multi-lane interstate. Did the safety change that much? In the end though, the driver is responsible for his speed. I will pay my ticket, If I get 70 in a 65 zone
  3. Sometimes people drive on highways they are unfamiliar with. Traffic often obstructs the view of signs... if the limits change without logical reason on a single stretch, that's BS. I wouldn't say missing a single sign on an unfamiliar road with heavy traffic, makes anyone a moron that "deserves" a ticket. Yes, ultimately they are responsible, but accidents do happen. Looking at the map..makes you wonder about true intentions. Safety or State Income?
  4. Problem solved. Tigerpaw is an idiot. Helmet was never the problem. So...I take the 300 out with a different helmet and still hear the noise. I realize it must be my new textile Cortech jacket. Maybe the different layers of material or something. Maybe a vent is open. I continue to be dumb and press on with my ride, for hours. Stop for gas. Check all 100 zipper/vents, all closed. Continue to hear it, stop again. The light bulb in my head went off...all those zippers have real long pull strings...for gloved use. I spent ten minutes taking them off. was able to ride a few more hours, in quiet, but mad I didn't think of it earlier. Maybe I can dodge the rain today(Easter) and get some less frustrated seat time in.
  5. I will probably do this, with my Active Duty retirement still 4 years out.
  6. Tigerpaw

    22LR Rounds

    $3 per 50, for WWB wildcat .22 LR Limit 2 per person, tax free, on Wright-Patterson AFB. The base is stocking more frequently than everyone else, but still selling out immediately.
  7. Not with Ohio's weather:p
  8. I have a 2004 Chevrolet Tracker. While not the best vehicle overall, the Suzuki 6 cyl engine, has been awesome. I beat on it all the time, and the engine is still strong. I do think they should get out of the automobile game in North America. They are not desired at all.
  9. I was probably thinking much smaller than y'all are imagining. I picture an indoor setup just barely bigger than a "stand" or food truck.
  10. I got a new Bell Vortex XL helmet. When I get above 45 mph, I hear loud snaps, crackles, and pops. This happens regardless of vent position. I have never dropped or otherwise jarred this helmet. I assume it has something to do with the Styrofoam protection, but don't see any loose or broken bits. I may be able to return it, but it was through Amazon. Any ideas?
  11. ^^^ ^^^^^^ NinjaNick, try Chicago Gyros and Dogs (937) 253-5301 520 Wilmington Avenue Dayton, OH 45420 Next to a doughnut shop and Radio Shack
  12. Not a fan of the Sonic version. I think Vienna Beef hot dogs make a world of difference. Plus fresher toppings.
  13. At least I would get free stuff.
  14. Italian Beef with giardiniera is a menu must
  15. Exactly what I want. I love that place. Gary is a great guy too. His original is in Cincy. If I stay in Ohio. I would love to do it in Beavercreek, to catch Wright State and the base. Although that means real high rent. **This is still years in the making(unless I found a smoking deal, to start before my retirement)**
  16. I expect crazy long hours. Hopefully it could get lower with time, as things fall into place, and a trustworthy manager can be budgeted in. Also, I hope it would be less hours than a true full-service restaurant. I am imagining less than ten actual tables, and the customers picking up their own orders. Many of them to go.
  17. I would like to open a sandwich shop after retiring from the AF. The type of place for a quick hot dog or gyro. I am from Illinois originally and imagine a taste like Portillo's: http://www.portillos.com/portillos/ and similar in size/atmosphere to Chicago Gyro's and Dogs: http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/123/1464506/restaurant/Chicago-Gyros-and-Dogs-Dayton Any thoughts or ideas?
  18. This mom also lost her 18 y/o son in a 2008 NJ stabbing. http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/25/us/georgia-baby-killed/index.html I hope this case wraps up, for some tiny amount of closure.
  19. It should be vehicular manslaughter/attempted, by the cops. The cops should never use high speed chases EVER, IMO. I would like to see statistics on the success stories of catching violent criminals through high speed chases. Were other options available? Radios/phones/computers are always faster than bikes. Also, you are a selfish a@@hole, if you flee.
  20. Isaac's Papa, I have a twisted sense of humor...but that is BS. Please remove.
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