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Everything posted by Tigerpaw

  1. That was my only point. As long as people know the difference.
  2. The guys that look like clueless duffel bags are funny. Hopefully he was just envious, and not really trying to impersonate or scam. Although, if someone is a "collector", you would think they would get more details right I think the "militia" guys are worse. They truly act like they are enlisted/commissioned(getting small details wrong). One of the new Doomsday Preppers episodes filmed in CA shows exactly what I am talking about.
  3. Progressive/USAA have always been very good to me. My first speeding offense...in that county. lol.
  4. Tigerpaw

    Bike Raffle

    PayPal sent for 2 tix
  5. Yeah, I re-purposed an old entertainment center for all my gear. Right at the door, never have to hunt for anything. Of course, I have never been able to fit a car into my garage, lol.
  6. I figured. Just having fun. Is that a "gear station" at the front of your garage?
  7. Very jealous. I will probably have to wait 17 years(kids), til the wife and I can do something like this.
  8. These people can't be fixed. Don't rehabilitated drug addicts say, they are addicts for life? They always have the desire to abuse, in the back of their mind. I imagine the same is true with sex-offenders, but even more-so. I used that website that tells you where sex offenders are in your neighborhood. I got disgusted and quit. They are EVERYWHERE! Best thing to do is arm your loved ones. Arm them with knowledge. Arm them with steel.
  9. I'm done here. No need to respond.
  10. I get it. A minority of the people that don't look like you, are good people in your eyes.
  11. I meant what % of a race is required for a bonafide stereotype? You don't think negative stereotypes are a bad thing?
  12. What equals a true stereotype? If it applies to 50% of the population?
  13. You can't judge a book by it's cover. I'd say it becomes a problem when it goes anywhere beyond lighthearted conversation. Why do stereotypes form? Examples?
  14. I was referring to my post.
  15. Racism is definitely still around. Stereotyping is pretty much tolerated. Even though things are better than the past, it makes me sick.
  16. ...something, something about a teakettle and a pot... Listen, I have no dog in this fight. None of us on this forum are in the courtroom or directly related to the case. So, all of our opinions of the proper verdict mean the same thing...nothing. I thought some people were seriously derailing the thread. It would have been hypocritical to not add my 2 cents about the original subject. I did clarify that I was only casually observing the case. You scouring the internet/media DOES NOT make you an expert. Back to the topic at hand
  17. I don't mind going OT, in most threads. It's funny how the media hyped this to be about race. Now that's what is dominating this thread. Many people fell into that trap. I am not following this trial on TV, or even that closely. From the info I have heard, I believe Z is guilty. It is a great responsibility to carry a firearm. I don't think he understood the gravity of that. He should have only called 911, and left it at that. Like I said, not following that closely, I may not know critical details. I hope justice is served, either way. I hope there are not riots. This country needs to focus on any number of more important things.
  18. lol. I knew someone would bring that up, as I was typing.
  19. Clusterfvck. After reading the story, I'm not sure how I would handle it.
  20. Repost I believe. So much fail in that video - Dark GMC truck cuts into lane - So called "funeral procession", with no hearse/flags/headlights/hazards - Bikes and Altima stop out of respect, but no hazards on, and they really should have pulled off the road farther, if stopped for no apparent reason. - Dodge truck obviously not paying attention, possibly speeding. Everyone is extremely lucky to be unharmed after this
  21. I don't like it when people are idiots during my commute, be it bike or cage. Seems there is 1 idiot every time. but... I HATE IT, when I am on a fun/spirited ride and see crap like this. Oncoming traffic crossing the double yellow always reminds me not to push my skills to 100%, and dial it back so I have some contingency/wiggle room.
  22. You can learn a of tips & tricks on YouTube...
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