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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. I seriously hate Cinci just because of the traffic. Not only is it super busy, but I swear 75% of the people are just retarded. I've seen some of the craziest shit in my life while driving in Cincinnati. I HATE driving down there!
  2. How'd the business proposal go? "Lets bring the outside... inside!" stoopid
  3. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1170175/New-Afghan-law-does-allow-marital-rape--lets-men-refuse-feed-wives-deny-sex-says-cleric.html?ITO=1490 Okay, just saw this and the reason I'm posting it here is because of this one line made me think of moose/KKid that and this law sucks. Why'd it get passed in the first place if they now feel the need to "review" it after its getting international attention
  4. Ummmm maybe.. depends on how long I'm at the gun and knife show. Post up some meetin' information
  5. did you notice the url is "f-biker-gangs.html"
  6. wrillo

    Are you fat?

    I've been tellin people its waaay to expensive to be fat, do they listen? increased food cost decreased gas mileage higher healthcare cost higher life insurance and now double airline ticket cost ... this list can grow faster than those fatties
  7. okay okay.. every thread on OR goes a lil homo eventually, I just wanted to get to the point
  8. He is kinda cheating by having the mag erected from his crotch at an angle... who carries mags like that? no one in battle... still super impressive tho
  9. I JUST saw this on digg... lol
  10. ahhh! this real? or posed? and he shoulda been sitting on it!
  11. random fail? what?! :lol:... wait maybe that wasn't you.. is NinjaNick signing neg rep as you still?

  12. ehh.. if he asked for help it was probably a big project. I bet he is pooping
  13. maybe he is busy coding it himself
  14. i know me a bit of php.. I'll help too
  15. http://www.hayesgalleries.com/barns2.htm
  16. but... .... you can't even have a box of rape! bullshit! They gonna get pissed if I have a box of anal penetration too? its a box!
  17. anyone know why photobucket didn't like my 40lb box of rape?
  18. I have some extra black ones if you want them to match!
  19. in ohio minimum age is 16 I think... oh wait... what were we talking about?
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