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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. weird.. this thread ended up being 10 pages wooooooooooo.... spoooky
  2. front stands whats wrong with a come-along around the triple and a beam in the barn roof?
  3. i had to find such madness... http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=17175
  4. That same website says to use car oil during break in
  5. wtf? you take any exceptions at all? why you given the man a loan that size?
  6. is there a cat smile, by chance? maybe one saying "meow"
  7. now... what is a porn nugget? I thought I knew all things porn
  8. I like that you answered your own "no he didn't"... but who am I kidding, I know I bought the right brand.. honda makes econo box cages right?
  9. well considering that Kawasaki disease has nothing to do with the head, and everything to do with the heart... its nice to know the truth!
  10. This shit sounds serious... maybe I shoulda bought the honda? Kawasaki Disease du du DUN
  11. hate everything? that shemale clearly loves slipknot and make up
  12. all three vids only add up to a minute 30... thats special
  13. you hear that.. Bill O says no one over 25 listens to rap! Yeah, okay.
  14. I honestly don't know a whole lot about unions, and I've never been apart of one. I've heard things that are good about them, but I've also heard bad things. For example the mess that GM is in when it comes to overpaying people because the union has slowly squeezed them to death. Since you obviously don't agree with the EFCA, could you explain why those changes are so bad for business? (no sarcasm intended, I honestly don't know) ... my initial thoughts are: If you don't think you're getting paid enough, enough benefits, your job sucks ass, etc, why don't you go find another F-ing job? Let capitalism run free
  15. the trick to it is combos... build stronger, not more
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