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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. I think that one went right over your head.
  2. wrillo


    I feel stupid, but what is chopper wired? The XJ needs chopper wired? jporter does seem to know what he is talking about concerning carbs, and isn't too terribly far away from you. You're far enough on the east side that some of the Coshocton guys might be close enough/willing to help out.
  3. They're 6 weeks old and healthy. Nick is doing well, just busy
  4. I'd pay no more than 20,000 for it, if I had that kind of money, but I'd guess they want about $99,000 for it
  5. Whatev. I don't need you, I'm sure Kosmo will let me sleep with him. After all we have the same bike
  6. I thought you said MJ was staying with Likwid this time, so I could share the bed with you?
  7. I sent that Nick fooker a message forever ago and he never responded.
  8. Okay, so we all agree on the 10th? Good deal. See you guys then.
  9. I think you're just mad, Madame
  10. He said "The second you start putting load on it those volts are going to dip faster than a potato chip in a french onion pool."
  11. Speigler is a local company, always support the local guys when given the choice
  12. See, told you. She passed pretty good, did she not?
  13. I'm looking for a cock holster, is your mouth available?
  14. I'd say your mom has gone well.
  15. haha... where at in Dayton are you? I checked the radar and it looked clear for most of the area until 8:30ish. My bad lol
  16. I was just looking through ProudPops' profile and saw this thread. Sorry about that, that was pretty dumb on my part. Like I said I just found the thread and was interested in the story.
  17. what ever happened to clutch?
  18. Okay, I took care of it for you, just be home before the street lights come on and you'll stay dry.
  19. lol.. casper beat me to first post... OR needs to start a tech support service... try to call a tech support line and get an answer in 13 minutes
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