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Everything posted by wrillo

  1. Seriously, You're pissed off, and we don't know the whole story. The picture you're painting of Ryan right now makes us all want to say "fuck yeah, kick his silly ass out". If he really is that big of a pain in the ass, let him go to Zygote donor's house. If he is 18, he isn't running away. Just make it very clear that if he leaves he isn't coming back. If you have a really big heart, make him live at mom's for a month on a "trial" basis. Exactly one month later (not sooner or later), he has to decide what he wants, and thats his "final answer".
  2. burnouts!!! I bet that scooter could lose a lot of weight and beat that little rice rocket
  3. I'm sure some people do. What about the door to door people? Someone like IP can just apply to walk through a neighborhood and collect enough information from everyone to get loans and credit cards, etc. Identity theif's dream job! ^^^ he beat me to it
  4. Okay, I didn't think this was going to go the tin hat way, I thought I'd be reading a thread about identity security and identity theft. So lets talk about that, go!
  5. Nothing really, there are just a few people on here from Coshocton already. They're well known for what they do to their sheep.
  6. I really do wish your mother lived closer
  7. Make sure you throw a "in this economy" jab in there while you're at it! In this economy, no one can afford track days when they need the stress relief the most!
  8. My bad, I guess I should have explicitly said that was for my bike, the ZZR600. I know nothing about VFRs
  9. I called Competition Accessories aka Ride Motorcycles or whatev in Springfield and they told me some where around $240 would get them check and unadjusted as necessary.
  10. hey KK, your pictures are broken
  11. Ben is a slacker and rarely checks the PO box... so he'll probably see this and check it soon
  12. Marion's Pizza is crack-like addictive
  13. @ the above two posts Nice avatar Zach
  14. I know its been a couple years since I took physics, but I'm pretty sure you can stop faster with two wheels on the ground.
  15. I think a few people on OR are bleeding from their vaginas, if you know what I mean.
  16. Good post noob! Are we doing this some time soon? I'm in
  17. I renewed at the Beavercreek location and they waived the late fee. I told the guy that some locations weren't waiving it and he said "well, they shouldn't be doing that"
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