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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Group rides suck and when I catch people out in groups I fuck their shit up. I start in the back with the faster guys then work my way up to the slower guys, then I wheelie away flipping them off. I have had the police called on me for doing this but I just outrun them laughing all the way home. This is why I hang out here so I can stalk group rides. You guys should quit scrutinizing the new posters they could be super cool and you bunch of uptight pussies are driving them away.
  2. Napalm sticks to little children, all the children of the world Red and yellow, black and white they all glow when they ignite
  3. Not gonna be much help with Suzuki. Kawasaki & Yamaha yes.
  4. I have PMed him with what I could do for him, we're good.
  5. This is what you get from soaking too long in your hot tub drinking champagne.
  6. The shock sucked on the 03-04 not enough adjustment for my weight and riding style to fix it with the stock unit. The front end was very good for all stock internals. Nick might have an under sprung shock.
  7. Not all bikes need them, I couldn't ride the Kawi without one and I raced my Honda without one. Speeds they were ridden at had nothing to do with the need for one. I couldn't get comfortable riding through the shakes, great handling bike but if you didn't have weight on the front end it wanted to twitch. I'm really surprised the big bikes geometry isn't stable enough to keep that front end straight. My XX and Busa were rock stable.
  8. If you want to get a hold of someone about the used bike inventory of Avon Honda call Lake Erie Harley. They owned the Honda dealership and will be the ones selling any used bikes they have. Good luck finding someone there competent enough to help you.
  9. What were they asking for it, what model year is it and is that the top of what you want to spend for a bike at this time?
  10. I have had both bikes you currently have and unless the Kawi has a damper on it ride the Honda. Oops guess I was wrong about the Kawi, I had a 03-04 I can’t comment on the stability of the 05-06. I do know the 05-06 Honda is rock solid for head shake.
  11. How much money are they asking for a used FJR1300? Does it have a warrantee? Do you have to trade in the VFR or are you willing to sell it on your own?
  12. It's about time. I guess you owe me that. I don't need someone as smart assed as me in here fucking up my thread. I thought you were dot not feather.
  13. Let the shenanigans begin! I have been quite chatty haven't I? I'll believe it when I see two separate people show up & both aren't just as ugly as Justin. Every attempt will be made to get this event to run on time and to be organized. I have talked to someone down there about this and have been told we should be keeping to a better schedule. This makes it very important for people to show up on time because there will be no Coshocton route posted so if you are late you won't be able to find us.
  14. I will not comment about the accuracy of that statement, you will have to ask others about it or experience it for yourself. I think Knicks360 was in your shoes last year and can give you a perspective you will appreciate.
  15. When I plan a ride I usually post the route that way if someone shows up and finds the groups pace too slow for their liking they can go out ahead and wait for us at the next turn or go out on their own. This route is simple, from the meeting spot 83 south to Coshocton, no route posting needed. Once our group gets there others will be leading with their own route. These are people I have ridden with in the past and I trust them to lead as I would. The ride down is straight and boring except for the last 20 miles. The pace will be at about 70 MPH except for small towns posted at speeds other than 55 MPH. When I pass a car I will go faster than 70 MPH to give riders behind me space to safely fall in line in front of the car being passed. The last 20 miles will be at the pace you should expect to see in the front group on the Coshocton ride. You can read this as speeds might increase to more than 70 MPH in the curves and slow back down to 70 MPH between them. Most people fall in line behind someone who is just slightly faster than them so no racing is happening, its single file in the curves. I will make a head count before we leave and recount at all stops unless our group is over ten riders then we will be using a sweep rider. If you have to leave the ride make sure someone else in the group is told so we don't go looking for you.
  16. Not out of line but not necessary at this point, but if some think what this ride is isn’t clear maybe I can try to make things clearer. Some skill will be required this isn't a MSF course. The only two things I asked were the willingness to exceed the speed limit and pass on double yellows. If these two things go against your better judgment then this ride won't be for you. I don't care if you park it in the corners if you want to get some experience with a group of people along for support this is your opportunity. You will also get to ride some great roads along with the opportunity to talk with and get help from riders with more experience. More experienced riders out for a good time can expect that the group will be policed for folks who are not acting right whether it is on purpose or unknowingly, that way they don't have to worry too much about their ride being ruined. Accidents can happen at any time though, even when all precautions are being taken, your comfort level is up to you and everyone is expected to help with policing the ranks. The only people who would be offended by such scrutiny are people who shouldn't be on this ride. If we wanted everyone to have the same riding abilities we would have called the people we know to get together. That's not what happened here, it was posted for everyone to join in so different skill levels are expected.
  17. ^ There's a guy who doesn't just mess around with the tip! We now have two people on the list, both of the Northeast black guys.
  18. I know no one can be that stupid and still carry on life without a guardian watching them. To comment again about meeting everyone, no way does anyone want 4,300 bikes to show up for this ride. Everyone just ignore Adam, he is trying to be as big of an idiot as he can be to piss people off so the crowd won't get too big for him to handle. I think he should just shut the fuck up and take it like a man.
  19. I will make a list of the folks riding down from the Northeast that are starting from the 82 & 83 meeting spot if any of them will commit. I think that will be hard to do because most of them are too busy fucking around in the thread for me to make any sense of it at all. I will update the first post when or if I can make a list; if nothing else I will be there. You can also watch the Dayton thread on this topic for their list, Columbus might be starting one to watch also. There is no reason for you to ride over to our meeting spot unless you want to, just going to Coshocton would be easier for you and many others so I wouldn't expect to see those type people on any list.
  20. Is someone selling something here? Notice how John's busa for sale thread has nothing but good things to say about him and the bike? I wonder........................
  21. I love the graphics on the Suomy helmets, nice helmets too but I find they run a little small not a whole size like the Scorpions do though. GLWS! On a personal note seeing as how you are from the area. If I wanted to go from Elkhorn City, KY to Ironton, OH on a decent motorcycle road what would you suggest? I am looking at 52 but am worried about small town stops and road conditions. I have been on 23 many times in a car and once on a bike but thought I would try something else because it would be kind of boring for a ride with buddies even though you can make decent time on it.
  22. I have already posted in the other thread, no Katanas or something like that.
  23. See this is why we don't make the yellow dude upset around here, he is fucking hilarious.
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