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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. That is funny my actual nieces and nephews call me Uncle Punk that’s where my screen name came from. Fuck you Nick what’s wrong with being fifty? We all hope to be fifty one day, some are closer than others.
  2. I agree that the expensive tools don't cost more because the workers are paid more but the profit margin is what we were talking about and keeping workers employed just for the sake of employment regardless of the bottom line. We can discuss why people are satisfied with an inferior product if you would like but that would take us away from employment entitlement. I would agree we have two very good examples of our governments ability to do things well our armed forces and the dot. These two things are what our federal government is supposed to be doing and there is no one in the world doing a better job at these two tasks. The rest of your list is up for much debate I know of a few people in New Orleans who think the army corps of engineers were lacking in their duties, I can also point out many, many cases where they have implemented a course of action only to reverse that course because they boxed themselves into an unintended consequence.
  3. More important news on the racism front. http://www.theonion.com/video/use-of-nword-may-end-porn-stars-career,14174/
  4. We don't mention yellow as colored around here it makes Jbot feel like he doesn't fit in. We just won't bring the monkey to the church for the pre-ride prayer.
  5. A businesses major revenue resource is its customers, if you have driven them away from over pricing your product by trying to maintain an indulgent workforce you have to change or you will no longer exist to be profitable. Jobs are not owed to people by a company that sounds just like a government entity with its workers thinking they are entitled to a job and we all know how efficient the government is let alone how responsible they are in watching how they spend money.
  6. Damn, 19 pages in about 24 hours and we are about two weeks away. There is no such thing as a small Coshocton ride.
  7. That's a no, do I have to make a list you will obey?
  8. The parking lot has a church attached to it, all the colored bikes could park at the church so we can have them prayed over before the ride, can't be too careful.
  9. For those who were on the last ride of Nick's, there will be no buzzing of groups on the Coshocton ride like I was doing. There are plenty of locals who volunteer to work the ride so that tactic will not need to be deployed. In fact it probably couldn’t even if someone wanted to because there are way more blind rises over there than there were on that ride along with a lot less straight road.
  10. First post has been updated with the Coshocton meeting spot. Everyone should park in the parking lot south of the house listed. The ride starts in Coshocton at 10:00 AM
  11. Shut your mouth fool or you will be leading with bruises all about your body.
  12. No, I'm not saying that but it certainly doesn't align him with a democratic agenda and isn't enough for me to support him on just that one issue. I am glad he takes that stance and have benefited from it. Without going into the whole argument about how the gun laws should have never been in place to begin with. Giving us our gun rights back is admirable but shouldn't have been necessary to begin with. I will have to say that he has not sucked as much as Taft but that wouldn't have been very hard to do. I think Taft's tax increases hurt small business more than Strickland’s. Neither has shown willingness to cut state spending with any benefit to the budget let alone reduce taxes to allow business to prosper.
  13. You are absolutely correct but I have never seen a democrat with a good idea or a candidate worth voting for.
  14. Wow, I am sad this is going but all the changes you made seem to be first class. GLWS!
  15. This is a virtue that carries weight with me but is offset by his vote for the assault weapons ban. I find that vote to be treasonous and think it should exclude him from being able to hold public office ever again. I would have hoped that the republicans could have run another conservative candidate without the baggage. I have never voted for a democrat and hope to never have to so I am leaving that ballot empty when it comes time to vote because I think both candidates suck.
  16. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2010/06/14/ohio-governor-lands-nra-endorsement-in-campaign/ To keep my voting record in tack I may have to sit this election out.
  17. I talked to your buddy in private to see if I could offer any help to him. Adam is a good guy and I hope your friend had a good experience, learned something and is a better rider from the experience. The ride there is boring until we get to Millersburg what was your impression of the ride once we got there.... totally worth it I guess and it only got better from there. Riding through the metro parks is a good start but not quite the same as Coshocton. There are blind drop offs where you can't see what's on the other side, there is gravel in turns plus you are riding with a group so you get a little charged up. Realizing this ahead of time can give you time to get your head on straight and form the plan firmly in your head that you won't let yourself get sucked in over your head. For every one of us except one there will be a faster rider on this ride just because you're not the fastest doesn't mean you won't be having a good time.
  18. That's why I carry those big double bags so they get tired looking through them to find the missing booty.
  19. Sorry about mixing you two up, you are both new and from the same area so I don't have you two straight yet. If you are not comfortable yet I can really respect your decision. No matter what we will be waiting on someone, I regret people getting the impression this is going to be a fast ride because that wasn't my intent. 70 MPH for the most part between the curves, passing on double yellow is acceptable and needed to keep things together. If you are not comfortable riding like that or just don't want to that's just fine all group rides are different. No one is expected to go fast through the curves at all that is a skill that takes time and experience to develop and we do not expect everyone to have the same skills. This is about meeting new folks and having some fun. Coshocton has some great roads around it that most people don't get to ride except for events like this.
  20. I'm getting out of this that you won't have any excuse not to be on the ride because you have two bikes to ride. Good see you there.
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