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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Now that I think about it I don't know if MJ has a boyfriend. Trying to be her friend won't be nearly as much fun if I can't piss a boyfriend off. Call me when you get a boyfriend.
  2. There are a bunch of gays around here too. I am getting tired of being sexually harassed by them just because they want to get with my big black dick.
  3. I can suck you into the vortex too if you would like. Come to think of it there are a few Jews around here who post too much but don't seem to be selling anything. What's up with that?
  4. There is no way I'm going to let some ginger out mack me. Although you do have her number and I don't. MJ will you be my friend? I thinks you are just the sweetest thing evar.
  5. You can see it coming from a mile away.

  6. Seeing as how we have no rules this week can we threaten to kick someone’s ass? There are a couple black guys and Asian guys who have really been asking for it. So anyone can sell anything no matter how long they have been here weather they are a dealer or not? Sorry no cars unless you really want to lose money.
  7. What??? I'm not done. It's a good rule or it's not. I will try to make this a regrettable situation. You make exceptions and it will open the flood gates. Poor decision.

  8. That's really cool, I have a dealer friend who has a bunch of bikes to sell. I'll send him over so he can post them up.
  9. You sir are looking for a beat down. Quit trying to mack on the ladies. That's my job.
  10. MJ you should PM me your number, I want to be your friend sweetie.
  11. Not a trap. It's the real deal. He might have a few other old bikes that were never sold.
  12. Don't we have a 30 day, 50 post rule. IBTL
  13. Did you read the linked thread? I didn't think so. I included pictures of one of mine in the complaining thread. Flamed?
  14. Damn, I have too much work to do. I don't have the time to respond to this thread like I want to. Come on people entertain me.
  15. Yes, I am claiming it. I should be making arrangements with Tony to pick it up this weekend.
  16. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=56238
  17. Unlimited data plan is recommended. Other than that it's a free service.
  18. Are you flirting with the new guy?
  19. Trailer space is covered. If someone doesn't give him a ride I will have a XB9 I can rent out while I'm down there.
  20. Did you guys hear that exhaust? That's bad ass. I can't wait for him to get it tuned. This beast should fly. I'm so glad he is keeping us posted but I wish he would come into his social group and give us special attention.
  21. I'm just not being understood, I only want to be her friend. How can that be creepy? I think she is a sweetie and should be my friend.
  22. I put a new rear tire on in March and have only ridden with it three days and will be lucky to make it another full day. They don't make them like they used to.
  23. She still hasn't called me. I think he is afraid to give me her number because he knows she won't be able to resist my charms once I get her to be my friend.
  24. Nothing new here I thought everyone knew we the people aren't entitled to protection from bad guys inside our country that originate from our country. National defense is a whole different issue.
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