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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Hey MJ you should send me your number so we can get together and get these t-shirts rolling, I want to be your friend too.
  2. Oh my God let me have a shot at the Chipotle. I never challenge anyone but these stakes are just too high. Let's do 536 or 255 and I won't shift out of 1st gear.
  3. 255 sucks, it is very dangerous and dirty all the time. If it were me I wouldn't lead a group ride on the road.
  4. If this is a required crash site maybe we should stock her freezer with popsicles.
  5. Choose to obey, choose to ignore, choose to change or choose to live in a state that meets your expectations.
  6. Both true statements. I'm not saying I'm innocent but I know I'm assuming risks.
  7. Let's not bring reason or logic into this discussion or it will kill the flow. No good can come from spreading the blame, getting facts straight will not be quite so entertaining. You should P.M. me your number so we can discuss this. I would like to be your friend too.
  8. They sell uppers at I.P.? Now I have to go.
  9. Hey shittygsxr can you give me gsxrnurse's number? I want to be her friend.
  10. My suggestion would be over pants. Look into Joe Rocket Alter Ego as a start but there are plenty of good options. They can be vented and waterproof along with armor. You can still wear your jeans and not feel like you have a diaper on.
  11. This thread is so cool it doesn't need me to stir up shit. I don't even want to jack it. Carry on.
  12. The felony is for recording a law enforcement officer without consent from my understanding.
  13. I'm still not clear about what exactly happened or if he touched the horse inappropriately. I am clear about the reports being falsified and that they state the guy was kicked by the horse as a way to explain his injuries. I do understand banding together to lessen the impact on your brothers in arms. Too bad for them there is video. The motorcycle video isn't a huge deal to me. The guy in the car pulling his gun is over the top and didn't really have a good grasp of the situation. This should be no harm no foul except if he was charged with fleeing simply for backing away from someone who pulled a gun on him. This could have escalated into a bad situation but it didn't and hopefully the same scenario will not unfold again for any of those involved. http://www.fox8.com/wjw-bankrobberyfamilytalks-txt,0,7595537.story http://www.wkyc.com/news/local/news_article.aspx?storyid=108448&catid=3 I have seen all of the complete dash cam videos of this shooting and it was a good shooting except there were two departments involved and cross fire was not very well contained.
  14. Your taxes go here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRgB2eeHZEw
  15. Am I gonna have to drive you home Kosmo?
  16. You are not! Ben gave me that license and I'm not afraid to use it. Look at my avatar, that’s an award from the site administrator.
  17. Ha, ha I had a good one going yesterday. It didn't get ruined until Budell gave it away. So you guys are saying that I shouldn't be running Norton 360? I haven't had any problems with it but I'm not into the weird shit most of the folks around here are into.
  18. So you're saying we should be paying more taxes so we don't accumulate debt? I think there should be a federal law that all government budgets have to be based on the previous year’s revenues. If we were forced to pay taxes at a rate that keeps us from deficit spending we would have a tax revolt real quick like.
  19. There should be some really good deals on KTM right now. All of the business went to Cali so what was in Ohio went cheap at auction into the dealer network.
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