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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Damn Jews always exaggerating the real numbers.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7PC9cZEWCQ http://www.visordown.com/snippets/undercover-cop-pulls-gun-on-speeding-biker/10204.html This is NOT me. Time for some more police discussion. I still don't see why this thread was moved.
  3. That was a fun day 27 bikes and two ponies. Was that the ride I thought you wrecked on because I saw you lying by the side of the road? You scared me half to death because I thought you couldn't move I even went to the other group and told them you went down.
  4. Are you saying that you still lust after the little boy who got launched?
  5. Yeah Justin you're in trouble now fuck face. No one appreciates your stupid childish Jew bashing. You Amish child lusting trouble maker.
  6. It's hard to go fast when you're looking up in the sky for airplanes. Wooster will not be getting any more money from me this summer.
  7. That was us you saw in Chesterhill. I remember seeing the VMax go by. We decided to head home from there and not go back up 555 so we took 377 out of there to 266. both good roads that I have never been on.
  8. Going on a ride today, let's see how this works. I think Latatude works through IGoogle. Friend me UnclePunk183 @ gmail . com. At some point I will try to accept the request.
  9. Don't you know someone that will give you a good deal on a XB9? Those little fuckers can hang with a 1K plus they make you look cool.
  10. I don't have to go around anything from where I'm staying to meet you losers.
  11. They're here they're queer they take it in the rear! Kan-a-tunas are us.
  12. I have an account in latitude. How is that beta version coming along? I can forget about texting or calling home now when out on a group ride.
  13. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2010/04/the_woman_found_on_interstate.html A whole lot of fail to go around
  14. These threads belong together.
  15. These threads belong together.
  16. So far they have all been paved. I was expecting gravel or unmaintained county roads but other than a buggy or a pony traveling down the side of the road they are just like most other roads. Sometimes the buggies or ponies operate funny when a bunch of bikes go riding buy. If you like to be entertained while you are riding these operating errors are quite amusing. A high side off of a bike is nothing compared to a pony launcher.
  17. Unless some gravel reaches up and pulls you down to the ground when you're trying to park.
  18. The rule is if your fast enough to drag a knee you're too cool and make the rest of us look bad so you can't ride with us.
  19. I think Buedell must be drunk this morning because he can't seem to complete a thought or he's just a post whore.
  20. How is this for a great big NO! I hope he doesn't mind me posting a picture of his leg but this is Inya's result of not having proper riding boots. Ask him what he thinks about riding shoes. He was wearing some sort of boots but I don't think they were very protection oriented.
  21. You buy riding shoes and I'm smacking you right in the fat of your head. Boots only.
  22. At the end of this thread. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=56037
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