Genius. This is how you maximize your profit with a multitude of products and create brand loyalty. Like them or not they are a force that is amazing and defies most logic. I would hardly call them innovative in the cruiser market though. How else can a cruiser look? A pick-up is a pick-up no matter the manufacture, it is easily distinguished as such, yet we don't call them copycats. A person who doesn't know sport bikes can't tell one manufacturer from the next because for the bike to fit the category they need to look and serve the purpose which tends to make them resemble each other in that category. Harley has been around the longest but the cruiser market exists because that is the type of riding the majority of people like to ride. When other manufactures choose to sell in that market it doesn’t make them copycats because their bike resembles the first in that market. When Toyota started selling pick-ups they weren’t copying the existing manufactures, they were creating a product to compete in the largest vehicle buying sector.