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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Watch out for this guy posting in here, I think he is trying to cause trouble. Five years for track riding and 30 plus years street riding on and off.
  2. You will learn more at the track safely and quickly. Street riding teaches most people bad habits if riding quickly is your goal and the lessons usually hurt. Crossing the yellow line should be viewed as a crash. I have crossed a yellow in the past few years and it still bothers me.
  3. I know this without being there, 70 to 80 is the usually pace between curves. If he was going over the yellow lines around the corners then the only way for him to keep up was to ride fast between them. Having someone else chime in won't resolve anything. I am willing to take the heat for being an asshole and calling him out, there is no reason to pile on. I do think he owes the group an apology and I'm glad this issue was resolved here instead of in the original thread.
  4. I can't wait for the government workers to get here tomorrow so we can have some titanium balls.
  5. If you are referring to me as the dumb ass that was challenging the kid to a race for a burrito or two, GUILTY on both counts. If you thought it was actually going to happen you need to hang around more. Didn't you catch that I was for the most part being ignored like I should have been.
  6. Oh, you haven't met Jbot yet? He is pretty much awesome wherever he goes. Well, mostly with the exception of his crazy Asian afro. His hair is seriously having a bad hair day every day.
  7. No I have prior commitments for the next two but I should be able to plan around the July one. You must not have read the whole thread.
  8. I do it all the time it's really easy and no one expects me to know what I'm talking about.
  9. You need to see Sam if you want to make yellow sheep.
  10. I'm sorry you wrecked your bike and I'm glad you made it out of the accident unhurt. Everyone on the ride was probably hitting corners aggressively yet everyone was getting different results mostly due to their experience and skill set. I am not trying to make the point that aggressive is bad because in my opinion that's what makes riding fun. You were trying to ride beyond your skills and you had all the warning signs to slow down before something happened yet you chose to ignore them because you were probably trying to chase faster guys. I get that this happens in group rides but it is your responsibility to ride your own ride within your means. As soon as you went off the road or touched the yellow line you should have went back in the line a spot or two and learned something, not gone around people to go faster. The guys in front of you weren't pulling away because they were going really fast in the straights it was because they could judge entry speeds and handle curves better. None of them started riding like that it was learned and practiced. It was foolish of you to try to chase these people when you had warnings. When learning a new technique sometimes you have to slow down to perfect it and the speed just comes with it later. Because you were being selfish and thought you needed to keep up with the faster guys you changed the ride for the rest of the group. That was my point. Nothing serious happened and hopefully someone else reading this will learn something or think about their actions on the next group ride.
  11. A little fast isn't 4 mph. going off the road or across the yellow lines more than once on a group ride is over your head and not a bit much of an assessment. Riding for a while by yourself or with friends that ride the same as you is different than being on a group ride with people who have more experience. It's easy to get sucked into riding over your head. You should have been warned of this and had enough self control to check yourself. You are not the first person to have done this and you won't be the last but you seem to be having a problem understanding this which will only make it harder for you to get help from others.
  12. You go off the road at least twice and you weren't close to being in over your head. I don't have to be there to understand that. Your inability to admit this fact is putting you into the category of riding like an asshat and you should be apologizing to the others in that group for being one. I have been guilty of being in over my head in the past, luckily it didn't affect others. There are plenty of people here who can help you with that problem and I would be glad to do so if you can get over yourself and ask for some riding tips. The next two rides for that group I have conflicting plans for but I will make it to one of them before summer is over.
  13. No way! You went off prior and didn't have the sense to slow down and ride inside your abilities? Hands down you were riding over your head and I can only hope you learned from it. Testing your riding abilities on group rides is not a good idea and it ruins the ride for everyone else. I understand things can happen and anyone can go down but if you were going off the road earlier you were in over your head. The group might have needed a few more experienced riders to police people who needed help. You shouldn't have been allowed to ride like that if you didn't have the sense to slow yourself down.
  14. You need to get yourself and adult adviser in these matters. I don't qualify.
  15. I thought others were claiming the last spot, more not adding up. 4 MPH doesn't put you in the field but if you jumped off that makes sense because anything could happen. I was assuming you might have been riding over your head because others made it through the corner without going down. If you are riding within your skill set you can usually avoid gravel putting you down because you can slow down to avoid it. A sure sign you are riding over your head is that you are going over the yellow line. I guess we will never know if that was happening unless the bike in front of you saw you doing it because no one was behind you.
  16. Okay, even start with me in front. I don't think I could pass you. You can use all the gears you want and both brakes.
  17. I wasn't there so help me out, you were riding up front and the gravel snuck up on you or there were other people in front of you that made it through the same dirty corner.
  18. I am having a hard time figuring out how gravel sends you out into a field. I would expect gravel to put you down on the spot. Could it have been more bad decisions than road conditions?
  19. Final offer four minutes.
  20. Let's just call it even boss.
  21. My first new street bike was a 1981 GS750E. I bought it from Chadema's (SP.) House of Suzuki in 1982, I loved that bike. I did more stupid on that bike that anyone alive should have. Three minute head start.
  22. Sometimes do you get black sheep born or are they all white?
  23. What did I miss? Two minute head start.
  24. You should give me your wife's number, I want to talk to her about sheep and be her friend too.
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