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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Those Buells must piss everyone off. That was funny to watch, you had to get a head of steam up so you could take your hand off of the throttle to flip him off. I guess he was the passing monitor, then I passed him without incident, I think you scared him.
  2. Shouldn't you still be in bed with a hangover?
  3. You could have asked me, he is correct the 08 owner’s manual does call them Hurricanes. The pictures above are of European bikes. (I love the HRC anniversary paint scheme.) Drama on a large group ride didn't happen no way. Someone does a wheelie in the middle of the pack on a group ride and I chastise them once in front of everyone. They do it again and I make sure they stay in the back or they decide to ride on their own. Wheelies should be covered in the riders meeting. I think they are cool and all but do them at the back as the last rider no problem, hell I wish I could do them. Shenanigans in the group just means the pace is too slow. This sounds like everyone should have know a fast pace wasn't possible and acted appropriately.
  4. I'm glad they are replaced and I hope he likes the feel of the new tires.
  5. I hate to disagree with the experts here but he only rides about 2,500 miles a year and he isn't pushing any limits with 10,000 miles on the existing tires. He has a good two years left in them with the way he has been riding and I highly doubt they will fail before that. This all changes if he plans to do a track day or to try more aggressive riding.
  6. This is my single bag setup. I kept putting stuff in the double bag setup and couldn't believe how heavy it was when I took it off. I will bring it out for trips or really big group rides. The baby is still with the double bag setup. This single bag setup I only have a first aid kit and a good small tool set. It's good for holding the clothes I take off as the day gets warmer, spare shields, food and water I don’t finish at gas stops or others peoples junk who don’t have storage space.
  7. I think we have a bromance going on here guys. Nick and Ben sitting in a tree......
  8. I kind of thought that at first because there are no sliding scratches around the hole. You ride too fast if you are down that low. Don't you know we have rules.
  9. Was this done on your way to meet us? Bike pictures?
  10. Five miles of highway in the middle of nowhere will probably generate $500 to $600 for the local community even if we can change these four tickets into non moving violations. Does anyone know how the Wooster court works? Do they allow you talk to the prosecutor before you make it into court? Do they deal there and allow you to plea to a non moving violation? Anyone know a local lawyer down there with success in that court, possibly a group buy in for their services? I really don't know how fast we were going when we were clocked because I don't know when it actually happened but we were cited for speeding 13 over the posted limit. I bet they didn't issue a ticket out there all day for anything that was less than 10 over. I covered 314 miles for the day we were moving for 5:41 with an average moving speed of 55.1. Total trip time was 9:04 with an overall average of 34.6 (Thanks to the long delay to have four tickets written.) With the exception of the ticket I had a good time. Nice to meet the guys I haven’t rode with before; I hope to do it again soon. The new pavement on 83 south of 146 to 78 is a great stretch of road.
  11. I'm home, hot and hungry will post more later after a meal and a nap.
  12. Get out of the rack, get out of the rack, get out of the rack. Let's go riding ladies.
  13. You are more than welcome to start with us at the Circle K in Eaton but we will still have about 65 miles of straight boring road until we get to Millersburg. If it were me I might try to meet us in Millersburg if you can find a good route to get there. Here is the route again in case anyone missed it several pages back. If you are a faster rider you can memorize the route, that way if you find the pace not to your liking you can run up front.
  14. This is starting to get more riders than expected; I'm getting texts from people who are coming. We might need a sweep rider. We'll see, I can handle 6 to 8 bikes if everyone else is comfortable with the route and without a sweeper. I will sweep without any problem if someone else wants to lead. The route is fairly simple. 83 south to 78 west to 555 north then on 60 north for a short time until we get to 666 around Zanesville then back to 60 north and 39 east back into Millersburg to 83 north back to meeting place. The loop is almost exactly 300 miles.
  15. They insist they get paid not that you work. I thought you were a gigolo.
  16. What's this work you speak of?
  17. That's right you are behind the times. You forgot about all the new 1125s. You can work a lesser bike to its fullest potential but that's just it, its work. I can ride a 600 just as fast as I can a 1000 on the back roads but its way less work to ride the 1000.
  18. There were so many he will have to ask me to be more specific. Except he will actually say "I don't know what you are talking about."
  19. I guess that leaves me out as one of the fast guys and a few others. He is speaking the truth though an XB9 will hang with any big bike on the back roads with the right rider. Buedell, you have been faster on the Buell. I hate to say this but you really don't need that Ninja. I wish I was in the market for one because I would try to steal it from you.
  20. I can't wait to show him the picture that was posted of him.
  21. Did I just see in the shoutbox that NeverEnough is planing to ride with us Saturday? You might miss us by a whole day.
  22. "We don't anticipate that." How in the hell he spit that out with a straight face I’ll never know. I guess I'm not cut out for politics.
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