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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Okay but it will be some girl on girl fantasy where you made up the whole pregnancy rumor to throw us all off. Who should the other girl be?......
  2. Fags (This is not meant to offend our large homosexual community in any way it is in reference to South Park and not offered to be taken offensively.)
  3. Care to tell us what did happen or should we make up another likely scenario?
  4. Sorry for the premature post, when I mentioned the plan I had for riding Sunday I was informed of a previous commitment that I was told about but didn't hear. Sunday is out we gotta take grandma grocery shopping. Jinx will be disappointed to hear he missed a ride he didn't even know about. This does leave Saturday open for me though. What's this core ride? I am not quite comfortable with the new bike yet and don't want to ride after dark can I follow the group for a while? Tony, do you have your break in miles done yet?
  5. I'm up for some riding Saturday. Sunday will be my new bikes shake down run & probably won't be group ride friendly.
  6. Is there a secret romance you're hiding? I'm not mad at you for being pregnant.
  7. Just so you know MJ this would probably have been dropped except for the fact that you hated it out there so much you asked permission to go into a locked thread just to make a denial.
  8. Don't suck up to me I can't give you points for being annoying.
  9. I get the actually interested part but splitting out posts makes the thread almost unreadable. Split out posts, fine makes an informational thread. Move the original thread in its entirety to Drama Queens is what I'm suggesting so it can be continued until its shut down. Post seen out of context make both of them fail.
  10. Again I have to explain myself; I hope it's not too annoying. I meant take out the helpful stuff sure good idea but leave the original one intact. Move it if you have to but leave it with all the posts as they were made. Might mess with post count or sum such stuff?
  11. I get the thread split but can't you leave the original one in order, it flows much better that way.
  12. Excellent reading if you overlooked it the first time.
  13. I'll have to check my schedule, page me. I can see that this thread is not going to help general population with understanding the new rules.
  14. Having recently turned black I would appreciate you not holding out and passing over her number to me. If you're not gonna use it hook a brotha up.
  15. Rosario Dawson... nice ... I had to look her up. Don't you know her?
  16. Have we decided to beleive MJ? Why would she say she is and then change her mind?
  17. I was not commenting about favoritism. I want a cool infractions bar! I tried to delete the favoritism part out on purpose.
  18. Just trying to clarify. It should also be noted that social groups are NOT private.
  19. That's what I was thinking too. Sorry for all the questions I hope I'm not annoying you with them. I want to use my points for something good.
  20. Are we to assume that our PMs are not private from now on? If the person I'm sexually harassing or making racial slurs to are okay with it does it get overlooked?
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