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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I plan to leave from 82 & 83 at 10:00 AM. 83 south to 78 west to 555 north to 666 north to 60 north to 62 east to 83 north. Does anyone know if 666 is still closed? Total of 294 miles, not sure when we will be back to start point because that will depend on who shows up I have done this loop in 5-1/2 hours by myself but the mapping program says 8-1/2 hours. I do not want to be back any later than 5:00 PM.
  2. There is nothing wrong with that price. The 2008 250s were $3,500, the 2009 250s were $4,000 sticker & that's what most people paid for them. I forget what the 2007 and older bikes sticker price was but my point being just like others have told the new kid in other threads starter bikes hold their value. You will be able to ride that bike for a year and if it’s in the same condition sell it for a loss of no more than $300 & if gas prices change possible make money. Let him miss out on a few bikes he should have bought, he will change his opinion with a little experience. It’s a wonderful teacher.
  3. Inya it would have been cool to have you and Shitty on the ride I did with the CORE guys Saturday. Fucking Buells in front of me, behind me, the damn things were every where. It was really cool to hear though. What's the world coming to when the American bikes out number the Japs. None of the guys had really cool HD key chains like you do, fag.
  4. Dual sport is fun but it makes me very tired.
  5. My first crash same thing almost, sliding down the road thinking well I can't believe I finally wrecked a bike, I wonder what happened, I'm not getting too hurt, (Hearing the bike slide along with me.) I hope that fucking thing doesn't come over here and hit me. I guess it's universal, welcome to the club, glad you're okay.
  6. Where is Doomking's check in. Did he make the whole ride?
  7. What route did we take? I think I can remember most of it but I can't remember where we picked up 556. IIRC it was 145 to 148 from there.
  8. Add 114 miles to the trip, start in Cleveland, next year after the time change, no colder than 60 degrees in the dark, all one day and I'm in. Iron Butts for everyone.
  9. I had a good time on the ride yesterday and would like to thank the guys who lead the ride but don't remember their names. Good fast pace in the twisty stuff and not too insanely fast in the straights. Group ride safe, perfect, seven bikes out, seven bikes in, all survivors. We rode on some roads that I haven't been on that I liked. My GPS battery didn't work so I don't know the route we took but I think we were on 556. I liked that road. I needed to ride with someone else to get a feel for what kind of pace I was getting with the new bike. The guys leading are as fast as anyone I've ever ridden with so that issue is out of the way for me. I am no faster with the new bike but I am more comfortable riding and it's easier to ride. I didn't shift once on 255 yesterday just left it in 1st the whole time didn't have to do any extra work way less stress with one less thing to pay attention to. For a 400 mile day I was in pretty good shape when I got home.
  10. For those of you meeting at 82 & 83 the detour is gone. Have fun be safe, wish I was there.
  11. WTF Buells everywhere. 7 bikes on the ride, 4 Buells, 2 Hondas, 1 Kawi. Your thread has been jacked Fabio. I would have rode with you Sunday if I didn't have plans.
  12. I'm back from the ride. Jbot & I fought over the sweeper spot, he won cause he kicked me in the nuts.
  13. I sat next to the crazy Indian while he ate QS&L Atomic wings carrying on a conversation like he wasn't the devils spawn. He's not human I tell ya.
  14. This little downy bear is going to bed it takes me 1:30 to get to meeting spot.
  15. Those closest to the problem have the hardest time seeing it. Of course it does you asshole snob. You meet the nicest people on Hondas.
  16. Now you're intimidating me, is this going to be like one of them Coshocton rides where they go too fast so they can wreck everyone? I would like to keep my new bike in one piece at least until the new riding season starts. These single compound stock tires can’t handle a very fast pace.
  17. This may come back to haunt you. What ever you do with Kosmo tomorrow do not eat the same thing he does. Whatever he eats will kill most men and especially young ones like you.
  18. Please forgive me, I'm not too good with names. You've rode with me before? I is very nice when I have to pass! I have been on this site for less time than you & I'm not even a CORE member. It's mine bitch. Unless I get the feeling that all these new Buells are picking on me, then it's on.
  19. Everyone with new bikes fighting for the back? I'm the newest it's mine.
  20. Saturday, see earlier post about earlier post, I can't make Sunday.
  21. PrincessPratt, MJ is looking for a partner to help deflect her whole pregnancy issue. Are you available to help her out?
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