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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Taxing all value added vehicles equally will not prohibit free exercise of it. This is a slippery slope I agree that is why I don't like seeing taxes used as punishment or reward. If all religions or churches were taxed equally nothing has been prohibited. We have freedom to choose how we worship and our government is not allowed to impose a national religion. We don't keep religious values out of our laws just because they have a tie to religion. Thou shalt not kill is a sound social law with far reaching social consequences. We don't ignore the fact that such a law has value just because a religion has used it as part of their teachings. Taxing churches will give them no more power in government than any other social group has. As a practical sense it's hard to get two religions to agree with each other one will not dominate the political landscape unless crusade tactics are implemented. People get what kind of government they want or deserve based on their input. If teachings from religion make it into our laws it's not because they come from religion it's because they are wise intelligent social rules that are necessary for large populations of people to get along. If religion didn't exist most social laws would still be here because of experience living with the results of actions that can't be sustained. Religion doesn't have the market on morality cornered they have just marketed it better.
  2. My vote is yes. Any money I spend after it has already been taxed is subject to being taxed again, I don't see that as an argument here. If I buy a ticket to a movie the money the theater makes for entertaining me is taxed nothing is produced. People utilizing the services a church provides drive on our roads, use the improvements to the property, have the safety services at their disposal all made possible by our taxes why should they get to have a service provided for them off of our backs? I don't like our current tax structure but I don't like to see it applied as a tool to punish or reward different groups of people. I hate the Amish fucks freeloading off of our backs in the name of religion. If you are going to reap the rewards of our society you should contribute to them. Draft dodging scum sucking leaches is all they are. A personal one man (woman) tax would be the fairest tax possible to implement but you couldn't punish the rich by charging them more with it or reward the underachievers by reducing it so it will never fly. I don't mind paying taxes for national defense and infrastructure these are things that benefit us all. If I can stop paying taxes I would be in a better financial situation, if all of us stopped paying taxes none of our standards of living would change because prices for goods would adjust. Yes I do believe charities should be taxed also. I have worked for toys for tots and give a decent percentage of my income to charities also including a church.
  3. ^ True story My girlfriend has five dogs, now I think dogs are cool and all but to me five are too many but it makes her happy. She could care less about a motorcycle but appears to be happy for me when I get another one; she even went with me to 95% of my races as pit help. We’ve been together fourteen years, I plan to keep her. If this girl couldn't be happy for you when you found pleasure in something she isn't worth trying to keep around.
  4. Read the book, “The millionaire next door”. I personally know several people who are worth millions and no one would know it by the things they show. It is meaningless what possessions you show. In fact I have found it to be quite the opposite of people with true wealth.
  5. ^ Oh no you don't I'm on to your ways. You need to be more subtle.
  6. I have told him not to be so subtle when joking around; I'm kind of slow on the uptake. Good one though because it got me, I understand doing it, I troll from time to time.
  7. http://chronicle.northcoastnow.com/2007/11/16/tasered-woman-pleads-no-contest/#comments Follow up to the video posted earlier. I left it out for my own entertainment purposes, worked out for me; I can’t buy that kind of entertainment. I don't think the taser is that evil, if used properly it's an effective tool. In the scenario above I think it wasn't applied correctly. The grandma deployment from a few months back I thought it was applied correctly. The fat dumb fuck that deployed it above should not have been on the force to begin with, in my opinion. I highly doubt he could pass a PFT, if he was an example of typical law enforcement I don't know how others in the profession can be proud of the profession if that fat dumb fuck can't be culled out it makes the whole lot not seem quite so worthy of respect. I am respectful of law enforcement but don't hold them with any higher regard than anyone else. I think it's a job I would be able to do quite easily if I wanted to force myself to have daily contact with the masses. I couldn't be a teacher for much of the same reasons plus I wasn't going to be able to make it through a higher education, I barely made it through high school. I have never needed law enforcement in my life and can't picture a scenario where I would. This is not to say I haven't had contact with them. I have gotten tickets and been in accidents where they have been present. The fat dumb fuck from above could have handled these situations; they are not exactly hard tasks to work through. The folks at the water department perform similar tasks while at their jobs. I can defend myself no help needed thanks. If there is a hostage situation with multiple bad guys call in the military. Now those guys are necessary. I am prior military so I am biased; just as I'm sure those in law enforcement are going to be biased with their replies. I understand that I have simplified the tasks that law enforcement performs. If they had a yearly PFT and fired those who couldn’t cut it that might make them a cut above or if the standards where the same for men and women. (Unions aren’t going to let that happen.)Serving a warrant to commit a violent mental patient is a call that shouldn’t be handled by a fat out of shape old man; it jeopardizes the success of the mission. This is a hard task to get accomplished and one I am thankful we have able bodied law enforcement to perform. Domestic disturbances are something else I am thankful to have law enforcement there for, a woman usually can’t defend herself from a man. This is another necessary task that most can’t accomplish so I see value to having law enforcement. When you have the majority of peoples contact with law enforcement being negative with tasks that can be performed by paper pushers it’s hard to demand respect for the whole lot.
  8. I didn't think I was but this was commented on more for the people who think the 12 hours isn't enough. I think it shouldn't be required at all and is a waste of time to make it mandatory. Alaska and Vermont have no such mandatory indoctrination scheme with very little fallout. I don't understand why people think others in our own state don't have the ability to do the same.
  9. I remember being quite annoyed having to take the stupid mandatory 12 hours of learnin to get my license, what a waste of time. I did it but asking for permission to defend myself just seems wrong, for me or anyone else. I carried prior to this latest licensing scheme and no one was harmed. I went through the license process with the mindset that it could minimize my time spent with government officials if I would somehow need to defend my life.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWaCD6jIH5Q&feature=player_embedded
  11. Really a long time ago but CJ (KTMRIDER's brother. KTM450) just got this to me and I tryed to post my first youtube video from it. I posted three from the dvd I got from him but this is the only one that worked, kinda. The audio was disabled. One was too long and the other one is just for scene selections. Maybe someday I'll get the hang of it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55kTdlCA8C4&feature=channel
  12. This could possibly be the dumbest statement in this whole thread. I don't see why I can't be cool because I carry what's wrong with being cool? You guys WAY over think things.
  13. Very nice I am starting to look for a G26. I hate the way they feel in my hands but I seem to shoot more accurately with them. I am currently carrying a Kahr PM9 with seven rounds. Thinking of going to the G26 with eleven rounds and a guide rod laser.
  14. I now see the thread that this was spun off of. If you applied deadly force properly civil action has been legislated out of your concern.
  15. If you have not met the burden for the use of deadly force it matters little the method applied. No where is it written that there is an accepted level of force necessary to achieve that goal. (Tangents about meeting force with the next level don’t apply here.) Ball ammo will achieve the same result with the least amount of damage if placed properly; we are not required to only use ball ammo to protect ourselves. We have the responsibility for the damage caused by every projectile leaving our handguns so carrying ball ammo is something most of us won't do because of over penetration. Taking a follow up shot could be considered excessive more so than the ammo used and yet, we are not required to make a ten count between shots to se if we have done enough damage to stop the threat. If you are involved in a good shoot by meeting your burden for the use of deadly force I say don't worry about it. Can you show me where anyone has been harmed by the courts in a good shoot because of the ammo used?
  16. Not going back to read this whole thread. I don't see how this doesn't pass. It is very poorly written but the way it is presented no one in the house seems to care. Nitrous can be installed it just needs to be made inoperable when used on the street. Second offenders loose their vehicles but lien holders maintain possession unless they are the offender. The bill has manslaughter in the title no matter what is in the bill the dumbasses are going to pass it, who thinks manslaughter is okay? If a policeman is a dick he is going to be a dick. He already has enough laws to work with to be a dick. Hell, the real big dicks can just out right lie about you doing anything. I don't see how this is going to turn any current good cop into a dick. There is enough ambiguity in this that a good lawyer should be able to get you out of most any of this if you have caused no harm. With that standard receiving a second conviction where you will forfeit property seems highly unlikely. I have the biggest problem with property seizure in this but don't see it as a problem in a practical cense. You don't cause manslaughter or harm property twice you get to keep your property. I highly doubt anyone will be harmed by this that doesn't bear some responsibility that most of us would agree with. Don’t get me wrong I think this is a stupid unnecessary addition to existing laws but fighting it, in my opinion is futile.
  17. No title or insurance required. My vehicle insurance follows my vehicle so damage done to other property by me towing is covered. Contents of the trailer and the value of the trailer are not. I have a trailer policy for the trailer but can't seem to find a policy to cover its contents. I'm not certain about the lights issue but as a matter of CYOA I'd say it's a good idea. Your decision on which hitch to use is determined by what you are towing and how much it weighs. I would recommend the receiver type hitch, this will give you the option of several different ball heights to match the trailer so it is being towed at its proper ride height. A fixed bumper ball height can cause you problems with a single axle trailer if it's not at the correct height.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EH1yh_w5XO4&feature=player_embedded http://www.blendtec.com/willitblend/videos.aspx?type=unsafe&video=airsoftgun
  19. Strange venue http://newsbusters.org/blogs/jeff-poor/2009/12/01/matthews-calls-west-point-sight-obama-speech-enemy-camp-strange-venue
  20. Uncle Punk


  21. I'm trying to watch what I eat between holiday meals, maybe after the holidays, thanks.
  22. This is their problem, I'm sure every one of them were stock, I am not. The latest was a 2006 GT convertible. I have out run a modded STi and also had my ass handed to me quite badly by a modded Evo. That was really cool to watch as he pulled away from me like I wasn't even there.
  23. Good thing they didn't catch me the other night. My SUV still hasn't been out ran by a Mustang GT. We had to make a couple goes at it to make sure he knew it wasn't going to happen for him.
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