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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. For those of you meeting at 82 & 83 the detour is gone. Have fun be safe, wish I was there.
  2. WTF Buells everywhere. 7 bikes on the ride, 4 Buells, 2 Hondas, 1 Kawi. Your thread has been jacked Fabio. I would have rode with you Sunday if I didn't have plans.
  3. I'm back from the ride. Jbot & I fought over the sweeper spot, he won cause he kicked me in the nuts.
  4. I sat next to the crazy Indian while he ate QS&L Atomic wings carrying on a conversation like he wasn't the devils spawn. He's not human I tell ya.
  5. This little downy bear is going to bed it takes me 1:30 to get to meeting spot.
  6. Those closest to the problem have the hardest time seeing it. Of course it does you asshole snob. You meet the nicest people on Hondas.
  7. Now you're intimidating me, is this going to be like one of them Coshocton rides where they go too fast so they can wreck everyone? I would like to keep my new bike in one piece at least until the new riding season starts. These single compound stock tires can’t handle a very fast pace.
  8. This may come back to haunt you. What ever you do with Kosmo tomorrow do not eat the same thing he does. Whatever he eats will kill most men and especially young ones like you.
  9. Please forgive me, I'm not too good with names. You've rode with me before? I is very nice when I have to pass! I have been on this site for less time than you & I'm not even a CORE member. It's mine bitch. Unless I get the feeling that all these new Buells are picking on me, then it's on.
  10. Everyone with new bikes fighting for the back? I'm the newest it's mine.
  11. Saturday, see earlier post about earlier post, I can't make Sunday.
  12. PrincessPratt, MJ is looking for a partner to help deflect her whole pregnancy issue. Are you available to help her out?
  13. Confused yet? You are going to get a ton of different answers and none of them are wrong for the person giving them to you. If you are shifting wrong with or without the clutch you should know it the bike will tell you. I use the clutch as little as possible for up and down shifting. I have done this while putting over 40K miles on bikes in just recent years without any clutch or Trans issues. I sometimes can't downshift from 2nd to 1st using this method but if the bike won't let me do it I just use the clutch. Spend a long day riding twisty roads where you are constantly shifting and you will teach yourself to use this method or not ride as long or become fatigued. Maybe I'm just old and lazy and need every trick I can come up with to hang with the kids.
  14. He has expressed his undying love. I don't know if anyone has explained the concept of teeth to him though.
  15. I did that, then I told him to fuck off. Now his texts have turned gay. Can I have his ban extended?
  16. Isn't there a different rate for that kind of help?
  17. Touching hard parts will put you down.
  18. Parks sent me a text, should I ignore him or tell him to fuck off?
  19. What kind of fag asks a stupid question like this my girlfriend was able to wheelie the 250. (This is not meant to offend our large homosexual community in any way it is in reference to South Park and not offered to be taken offensively.)
  20. Good point. You need to look back at a little more history. The military has historically been underpaid and yet it still survives. People serve for a variety of reasons not necessarily monetary compensation.
  21. Got it don't answer Parks. All these rules are making my head hurt.
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