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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. Seriously, what kind of an up tight attention whoring prick comes in and starts a thread about someone else being an attention whore. I'm sorry was someone walking on your grass, lighten up Francis. I must have missed the memo that stated you decide what is appropriate subject matter to be posted? I must be slow but what I have seen are appropriate threads posted in the correct areas. Only a fool would try to set a limit to how much attention someone gets. Most posts are made to get a response from another member, if you don't like someone responding to a post STFU and move on. These things have a way of working themselves out usually with much hilarity. Why would one uptight ignorant attention whore be any better than an overly friendly desperate attention whore?
  2. Sissy, whiner, baby get some rain gear. Kids these days… nothing but complainers.
  3. You caught that did you; I think you're correct I didn’t see any 5'3" blonde Swedish girls.
  4. She was in fact escorted by a gay chauffeur. I can't believe this is real. Ninjas can take MMA guys don't get it twisted. What if the MMA dude rides a ninja? Now what?
  5. I'm so confused; I just posted in the QS&L thread about this. Red is real, she showed up wearing red but not a hood. I would have bet she was going to turn out to be a dude or some old fat chick with a mustache. She did need a knight up there because there were ninjas everywhere.
  6. I must apologize Red is real, I wouldn't have been so inappropriate if I didn't think she was a dude. Ninjas there were ninjas everywhere.
  7. All you can drink for free... lots of stupid can happen. I've made fun of boys driving chick cars when not sober for no good reason except to be a dick.
  8. I thought I caught most of the "today" thread but I missed the part about her making it to the meet & greet. I don't mind pissing of wolfs, did I ever tell you the story of this one time I went bear hunting with a switch.
  9. How did I miss this story? Are you calling little miss red riding hood a whore? If this is true Jinx may want to use some pussy eating protection.
  10. I don't need your help clarifying things for me. If you keep posts on target only fail can happen, we want win.
  11. I can't wait to see Jinx's reaction when he finds out he is in a pussy eating challenge.
  12. Clap, clap, clap...too funny!
  13. and passing all the stunters with her on the back on one wheel at about 130mph. Jinx has too much game for me to cock block.
  14. duc's are always in the shop. Did you get your tire changed today? I'd stay away from this one I have a feeling she might be hairy.
  15. Cum on out to Kennedys, I'll even sell you a bike so you can get away from these leg humpers.
  16. I'll be there after I go to Kennedys for free food. I've been practicing my stunting, I've got mad skills now and I want to show them off to the stunters so I'll be there by 8:00. The baby loves the stunting life.
  17. Pat, you're not old enough to be leg humping. Stay out of this son or I will be forced to invent a tag line for you as a cock blocking device.
  18. There I fixed it for myself, but I'm sure you will feed me more ammo for a more accurate description. You just can't help yourself can you. Why am I goofing around in here I actually have work to do. Can someone come over to cut my grass?
  19. I am not leg humping, I'm cock blocking. It was easy to do with the assless chap wearing puppy punter but the game is strong with this InyaAzz one. Other than a crasher shin guard wearing baby feeder I got nothin.
  20. No the baby is not dead but it bites. I am having a hard time finding a helmet that fits her though. Any suggestions?
  21. Kevin is quite the gentelmen and a schollar, we appreciate you efforts. Justin, don't make fun of my father, grand-parents or dog either because they're all dead. RedRidingHood, JRMMiii kicks puppies. (I am now the thread cock blocker.)
  22. OMG five posts made while I was typing, you bunch of horn dogs.
  23. Oh this has potential... whats the over under for thread being moved, pictures requested, gayed up by, etc, etc...
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