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Uncle Punk

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Everything posted by Uncle Punk

  1. I'm leaning toward 8-2 also I just checked the weather and it looks good for that day. The route is 398 miles from 82 & 83 and back. 83 to 550 to 26 to 800 to 7 to 255 to 800 to 250 to 83. This can be changed up if you guys from up here want to do 536. Where 26 runs into 800 instead of going down 800 to 7 we could take 78 to 536. I don't care which route as long as we keep 255 in it. There has been a lot of talk about 536 so I understand folks wanting to check it out.
  2. This is funny we are never going to make it work for everyone. Now Avenger tells me he can't make it on 8-1 but might be able to on 8-8. I would tend to take advantage of the first opportunity that comes up weather permitting. If we start to schedule a few weeks from now it could rain and then we would be looking at the end of August. I was hoping to get in a few more good long rides this summer.
  3. See I knew this would happen. I just spoke to Avenger and 8-8, 8-9 are both no good for him. What does may be my ccw weekend mean, it is or it isn't. Does anyone want to ride this next weekend? I know it might be rough scheduling back to back weekends but I'm game.
  4. What is your kid’s weekend schedule? I’m guessing this weekend is bad. That puts us at 8-8 or 8-9.
  5. See I told you guys that was a gay bar. If I didn't take my pants off how else were you going to enjoy the magic stick?
  6. Thanks for responding to this and I was hoping you guys wouldn't take offense to my comments. This post was meant to show some of our local riders why I act like a den mother when I feel responsible for a group outing. There is nothing wrong with not having experience with group riding; hopefully we all have learned something here.
  7. My panties certainly aren't in a wad in fact I'm quite amused by someone who takes himself so seriously without any knowledge of the subject they're talking about. I can play the show me game too. Show me where I said you blamed anybody. You were certainly inferring that a group ride would lead to the demise of someone without the experience you think is necessary whatever that might be. By your own admission your experience is tainted by a negative experience with another group I'm guessing not associated with this one. Once again I submit that your knowledge and experience on this subject is worthless. There have been inexperienced riders on both rides this summer without an incident with any of them involved. I'm not saying it couldn't happen but their opinions might matter more than yours as they have actual experience with the subject at hand. I would guess they would say that they had a good time that others should come out and enjoy the ride because someone is usually looking out for them. I think Avenger just called me a retard.
  8. I missed you on the last two Coshocton rides so excuse me for thinking your full of shit with your assessment of what a Coshocton ride is all about. Just because you think you do doesn't make it so. Professional riders wreck all the time and they get paid to ride because they know what they are doing shit happens get over it. Blaming an accident on the group is kind of retarded especially if you weren't there. Every person on that ride had the opportunity to pick their own pace and wherever they wanted to ride in the pack. I'm willing to bet that anyone involved in an accident would not be blaming the group but themselves or some other freak unforeseen circumstance. If you have had bad experiences riding in groups and aren’t man enough to accept that the responsibility is yours instead of blaming the group then your opinion doesn’t really matter much.
  9. I have a 400 mile loop routed out all inside Ohio that I would like to try. Of course it includes 255 because that road rocks. The mapping program says it will take 9:15 to complete not including stops. I would plan on about an eleven hour day with gas stops between 85 to 100 miles and one quick stop to eat at probably a Subway. This would be more of a forced march pace that would not include a ride debriefing at every stop. I would like to leave the day we do this open so it can include as many people who would like to try such a ride. I am sure that ultimately I'll end up picking a date and will have to exclude someone with a scheduling conflict. Jinx and Justin both like opposite days of the weekend so right there one of them is eliminated. The next two weekends are open for me then I have a whole weekend commitment and the next two weekends after that open.
  10. Great another newb. He'll have to come on the 400 mile ride I have routed. We all should decide what day would be best for everyone to take a long ride.
  11. Says the guy accusing Ron Burgundy of throwing tacks at his tires. That shit was your fault and you know it.
  12. In the Coshocton boys defense they shouldn't know corn very well, it's too damn hilly down there to grow corn.
  13. What part about undesirables don't you understand?
  14. Come on man pimp that corn festival while you got the chance. Make your sons football team a lot of money. Don’t you want the OR people there? Are you calling us a bunch of undesirables?
  15. Only because of the detour.
  16. I was wondering WTF is a guy from Coshocton doing over there when there were big plans going on in town. Did you get over to 255? I love that road.
  17. Good call guys, I have his address and phone number just in case anyone needs it. This is why I have the baby on my bike to protect it from such thievery, it bites.
  18. I would like to apologize to our new member about the loss of his introduction thread. He is a Cleveland area guy therefore shall be treated as such. This means among other things that his threads may or may not stay on subject because of his local posters.
  19. Are you saying CBR_BRI is my pimp? The tits or GTFO question was why I wanted his wife to get him in here because I couldn't ask her that. We have rules around here you know.
  20. Why does the big black guy get a picture by himself? Does someone have a crush?
  21. Tony, you missed a good time but it might not have been organized enough for your taste. Hell it wasn't organized enough for mine either. All was forgiven once we started to ride. In all fairness to the Coshocton guys it's hard to prepare for the large crowd that showed up and some of the timing issues weren't their fault. They were trying not to leave anyone out from the ride even if they were making up their own schedules for the rest of us. Not gonna happen with everyone who plans a group ride. If you make it to a ride you have its full support and safety but if you arrive late, see you next time. Udell, I’m happy for you that you are more comfortable riding that only makes you faster. If I helped you out in some way could you elaborate more about that, if it helped you out maybe it could help others as well. I like to run a tighter ship when I'm involved with groups like this ride. Schedules are important to some people so if there are time constraints I like to give full disclosure. I am all for killing a day without an agenda when I sometimes have that luxury of time but this usually isn't the case for everyone. This will be my only comment about the failure of the Columbus crews ride to Coshocton but that shit will not be happening on my watch. I like to have a bike count and I recount at every stop. That way we know how far back to look if anyone comes up missing. This is also a two way obligation and if you are part of a group and need to leave tell someone so we don't spend the rest of the ride looking for you. The Columbus disaster could have been worse and I hope it gives us all the experience to learn from it.
  22. He is yellow boots wearing under aged porn star who was in InyaAzz's charge for the price of cab fare and a sandwich.
  23. Tits or GTFO (I am allowed to do this because it’s okay to harass the boys) Welcome and I work in Grafton. I had a 2002 XX also at one point in time.
  24. People are getting defensive because they believe your assessment of the situation is wrong. I personally got faster by going to the track instead of learning from the faster guys on the street but the same philosophy applies. Trust me if they put you on the track by yourself you wouldn't get to your potential. For most people it takes learning from others and it's the least painful way to do it. We had several people on this ride who are capable and willing to help others out. When some people came to me suggesting someone might be having issues I went to talk to him first without anyone around, if he would have wanted help or showed more interest in getting help I would have been glad to lead him around for a while until he understood what I was trying to teach him. Adam did that exact thing later in the day. Everyone on this ride had the full support and safety that a group provides. I think it's safer to ride in groups plus it gives you the opportunity to learn. I went up front and played around for a while and I rode in the back for a while. I enjoy riding towards the front because its fun to utilize the skills that I have acquired because of others helping me. I also enjoy watching others having a good time and discovering things about their riding. Like, wow you can do that and how can you do that safely? In most cases there are answers to those types of questions that can only come from the opportunity a group can give you.
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